The Bible is one of the most published books on the planet. Millions of people daily search the Holy Scriptures for answers to the most important questions of human existence. One of these issues, seemingly far from spiritual pursuits, is associated with money and the acquisition of wealth. What Does the Bible Say About Money and Material Well-Being?

Wealth theme in the Bible
Among those who profess the Christian religion, you can find two different approaches to the topic of material well-being. Some consider wealth and prosperity a product of hell, others call money a gift from God. To dispel their doubts, the most thoughtful Bible readers turn to the pages of this ancient book.
It turns out that the biblical attitude towards money is somewhat contradictory and versatile. Those who are inclined to admire material wealth, and those who curse wealth and luxury, may well find confirmation of their beliefs in the pages of the Bible. Theologians explain this fact not by the internal contradictions of Holy Scripture, but by the versatility of life, which the human mind is not always able to accommodate.
The Old and New Testaments deal with the topic of money in a wide variety of contexts. In the books of the Bible, laws on inviolable property are mentioned, in some places it is about collecting money for the needs of temples, to help the poor and for taxes.
And yet the main theme that runs through Holy Scripture is the theme of the wealth and poverty of the human soul.
Money is not always good
The Bible writers acknowledge that in some cases, wealth can become a blessing. It is believed that Abraham, Jacob and Isaac received material well-being as a divine gift. Bible characters who boast of wealth are far from rare.
The positive aspects of wealth in the Bible are its ability to give independence, freedom, and help those in need.
Holy Scripture divides wealth into righteous and obtained in an unrighteous way. The latter type also includes the wealth that is acquired through the enrichment of the privileged strata of society at the expense of the poverty of all others. Jesus Christ in one of his parables warns the rich who forget about helping the poor.
The Bible teaches that money and wealth can be dangerous and deceiving. In his sermons, Christ says that it is impossible to simultaneously serve God and wealth, just as it is impossible to serve two different masters at the same time. But poverty cannot be considered righteous if it is caused by laziness and unwillingness to earn bread by one's own labor.
The Scriptures show that money and wealth are only a secondary and relative good. Not everything in the world can be bought for money. Deliverance from death and love are just a few examples. Not to acquire for treasures and divine grace. There are things that are much more valuable and important: righteousness, good name, wisdom, and peace of mind.