"Getting on TV" is the dream of many, and it is not so difficult to fulfill it. Most entertaining TV shows do involve ordinary people. And if you know how to cook and like to communicate, you have a direct road to the “Dinner Party” culinary show.

"Dinner Party" - what is the show
Each week, 5 people are selected to participate in the TV show. For 5 days, the participants take turns hosting dinner parties and visiting each other. At the end of each day, guests will appreciate the host's culinary skills. The winners at the end of the week will be awarded prizes in the field of household appliances, and also get the right to participate in the subsequent Super Prize drawing. Often stars and just interesting personalities take part in the program, but ordinary people can also get into the program. First of all, you need to follow the website of the "Dinner Party" and the "Ren-TV" channel - they post information about the castings there. Casting managers also place ads on popular social networks. Usually, applicants for participation need to send an application by e-mail, and then come to the in-person casting.
Participants rate each other on a 100-point scale.
What to do on the program
Of course, first of all, you will need to cook. The TV dinner consists of an appetizer, main course and dessert. Usually, the participant purchases food with the presenter, and then tells what and how he is going to cook. However, in addition to your culinary skills, you will need to demonstrate communication skills. When meeting guests, you need to talk to them and show them the apartment. The way you live will be duly reflected in the assessments of the participants. Also, in addition to the menu, you will need to come up with entertainment for guests - it can be a game, song, competition, etc. Entertainment quality also affects ratings.
Participation in the show is not always pleasant and cloudless. Sometimes the program has to compete with conflicting and scandalous people.
Be sure to get to know the participants, find out their characters and preferences. It is possible that some of them will be vegetarians, while others will be allergic to fruits - consider this. Preparing proven meals that you do well will help you avoid unpleasant surprises. Excessively exotic dishes and ways of serving should be avoided. However, show originality - it is unlikely that "Olivier", herring under a fur coat and fruit salad will bring you a lot of points. Think, maybe, you will decorate the dish in an unusual way or add an original ingredient to the usual snack. Come up with entertainment in such a way that it could involve and amuse all the participants in the show, your solo number will not be very appropriate here. And, of course, your behavior will affect the assessment. Be positive and attentive to each guest, do not hesitate to talk about yourself, answer questions, show the house. And then luck will smile on you!