Losev Alexander Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Losev Alexander Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Losev Alexander Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Alexander Losev was a soloist of VIA "Red Poppies", the group "Flowers". He performed such famous songs as "Lullaby", "My clear star", "Heroic power", "We wish you happiness" and others.

Losev Alexander Nikolaevich
Losev Alexander Nikolaevich


Losev Alexander Nikolaevich was born in May 1949. His father was the secretary of the city party committee. In 1966, the young man received his secondary education at school, in the same year he entered the institute. Here the young man learned the basics of electronics, radio engineering, automation.

In 1969, the talented young man was noticed by Stas Namin, who invited him to the "Flowers" ensemble. Then this group was student. She quickly became popular, and in 1972-73. Alexander Losev, together with his colleagues in the shop, records two discs.


Creative career

But soon there was a discord between the members of this musical group. In 1974, the guys from the "Flowers" group got a job at the Moscow Region Philharmonic. But then the young musicians raised the issue that it is very difficult to play several concerts a day. Because of this, some members of the collective, along with Stas Namin, were fired from the conservatory.


Losev in this conflict was supported not by the collective, but by the Philharmonic. He became the head of the newly created group "Flowers", already at the Philharmonic, for which new musicians were recruited. But this collective existed only for a year, since soon the Ministry of Culture came to the decision that this VIA promotes the hippie trend, and the collective disintegrated. And once dismissed from the philharmonic society, members of the former group "Flowers" organized a new ensemble, which they called the group of Stas Namin. They no longer invited Alexander Nikolaevich Losev to this team.


This musician got a job at the Tula Region Philharmonic, becoming one of the soloists of VIA "Red Poppies". In 1980, he decides to ask for Stas Namin's group. They take him on probation. This collective existed for another ten years, then disintegrated. Losev gave up music lessons and decided to go to work in a workshop to fix cars.

But soon the musician again began to participate in concerts. It was just a one-time job. Seeing that his former colleague could not organize his solo career, Stas Namin took pity on Losev and invited him to perform with other musicians at various concerts.

Personal life and sad events


Alexander Losev married a girl Galina, becoming a family man and husband. In 1977, they had a boy named Nikolai. He danced in an ensemble, played sports, but died suddenly at the age of 18. Almost at the same time, the musician lost both of his parents. In 2003, Alexander Nikolaevich had a malignant tumor removed. And in February 2004, the singer died. His colleagues recalled how he sang brilliantly and sincerely, how he laid out on stage more than 100%. There was no soundtrack at that time. It was not easy for the musicians to give 2-3 concerts a day, but they did it, delighted the audience with their performances.
