What Is The Blessed Fire

What Is The Blessed Fire
What Is The Blessed Fire

In the modern world, many unique events can occur that defy scientific explanation. Christendom has the ability to testify to the various miracles that are happening on the planet. One of the unique events of our time can be considered the descent of the blessed fire.

What is the blessed fire
What is the blessed fire

Holy fire is a fire flame not made by hands, which descends on the day of Great Saturday before Easter in the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Believers consider this fire to be miraculous. Some eyewitnesses of the events of the Jerusalem temple testify that the first time after the appearance of the fire does not burn.

It's amazing that the fire goes down every year on the same day - Holy Saturday. It is noteworthy that Saturday itself dates from different times (depending on the celebration of Easter). The blessed fire appears as if from nowhere. First, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, lightnings begin to appear, which can be bluish in color. They are a unique natural phenomenon that thousands of believers can observe with their own eyes.

The Jerusalem patriarch at a certain time after the service of Great Saturday enters the holy edifice and prays to God for the granting of the blessed fire. In the kuvukliya there is the Holy Sepulcher, on which several lamps have already been prepared. It is they who self-ignite with the blessed fire. There were times when the patriarch prayed for hours before the Holy Fire descended.

After performing the miracle, the patriarch takes out from the cuvukliya several candles lit from the lamps and the blessed fire spreads throughout the temple. Then this great shrine is taken to different parts of the world so that believers can see the blessed fire with their own eyes. It looks no different from the usual, but its main essence is that this flame appears by itself after the prayers of the patriarch on a certain day before Easter.

Orthodox Christians believe that in the year when the blessed fire does not descend, there will be the coming of the Antichrist to earth.