What Is The Average Salary Of A Medical Staff In Israel

What Is The Average Salary Of A Medical Staff In Israel
What Is The Average Salary Of A Medical Staff In Israel

Israeli medicine is one of the highest quality in the world. This is largely determined by the level of doctors working in this country. The salary of a doctor in Israel is several times higher than the average salary in the country.

What is the average salary of a medical staff in Israel
What is the average salary of a medical staff in Israel

Israel is one of the most dynamically developing countries in the world. Over the past fifteen to two decades, the number of Israeli citizens has almost doubled. In terms of life expectancy, Israel ranks fourth in the world, largely due to quality medicine.

Medical Deficit in Israel

Israel is now experiencing an acute shortage of doctors and medical personnel. This is due to the fact that almost a quarter of graduates of all medical educational institutions go to work in the United States. And the pace of training new specialists is not that great - only 260 new doctors a year.

The first steps

Israel receives the bulk of its doctors at the expense of labor migrants. Young doctors with Jewish roots can look forward to participating in government programs that allow them to get acquainted with Israeli culture, gain basic communication skills in Hebrew, and confirm their medical diploma. Thanks to the program, immigrants from the countries of the former CIS can obtain medical insurance and a license to work as a doctor in Israel.

A license can be obtained after six months of training, immediately after passing the exam. The exam is a test, during which the examinee answers several hundred questions in the main disciplines - psychiatry, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine and pediatrics. The test is considered passed if the examinee answers more than 65% of the questions correctly.

To start working in a specialty, you also need to pass an exam in Hebrew. Therefore, having confirmed your medical diploma, you can become a participant in the next program aimed at a deeper study of the language. This program lasts about ten months. Its participants are provided with a hostel and a scholarship. Having passed the language exam, in Israel, you can easily get a job as an anesthesiologist, therapist or surgeon.

Salary level

Doctors, by Israeli standards, receive quite a good salary. If the average salary in the country is just over $ 2,000, then an anesthesiologist can boast a rate of $ 3,000 or more. And this is the salary of a novice doctor who is studying in residency. Upon completion of the training, the level of monthly income can rise to $ 5,000.

In the event of a successful completion of the residency, the doctor has the right to open his own clinic or work in other people's private clinics, which also has a positive effect on the salary level.