Nelly Millet: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Nelly Millet: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Nelly Millet: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Nelly Pshennaya is the most aristocratic actress in Soviet cinema. This, at least, was the opinion of the directors, who offered her to play exclusively baroness, princesses and ladies of the world. Millet one of the first Soviet actresses bared her breasts in the frame.

Nelly Millet: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Nelly Millet: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Childhood and youth

Nelly Nikolaevna Pshennaya, nee Tiennal, was born on January 1, 1947 in Tallinn. Her father was a military man, and the family constantly changed not only cities, but also countries. However, Nelly's childhood was spent mainly in Estonia, where she graduated from high school. Her parents lived in Tallinn, although later they had the opportunity to move to Russia.

Immediately after the final exams, Pshennaya announced to her parents that she was going to go to Moscow "to become an artist." They reacted with hostility to such a statement from their daughter. The father threatened that he would no longer let her on the doorstep if she left for Moscow. And the mother, after Nellie's statement, burst into tears and did not speak to her for some time. Soon she told her daughter that with such a non-standard appearance and a soldier's gait, only the roles of Baba Yaga were shining for her. However, this prospect did not deter Nellie. Then her mother began to teach her to walk beautifully. To do this, she forced her to wear a book on her head and stand close to the wall for hours to make her posture beautiful.

In 1964, Nelly left for Moscow, where she became a student at GITIS on the first attempt. The members of the selection committee immediately noted her artistic abilities and aristocratic facial features. Nelly was enrolled after the first round. She got on the course of Grigory Konsky and Olga Androvskaya. The latter, according to Millet herself, gave her a lot of valuable advice and taught her not to mix personal life and work on stage.



Immediately after completing her graduation work at GITIS, Nelly was offered a place in the collective of one of the oldest theaters in the capital - named after Mossovet. The head of the course, Grigory Konsky, put in a word for her. In 1969, Lyubov Orlova, Serafima Birman, Vera Maretskaya, Rostislav Plyatt, Faina Ranevskaya also played on the stage of this theater. Everyone in the theater was afraid of the latter, including Millet. With Ranevskaya, they even played in the same production, where Nelly replaced the suddenly ill Valentina Talyzina.

Millet accepted any offers, including willingly took on cameo roles and did not hesitate to participate in the crowd scene. She did not see anything shameful in this even after gaining popularity. In an interview, Nellie admitted that she was already happy with what she was playing, so for her it was not so important whether it was the main role or the secondary one. Soon, directors began to trust her with characteristic heroines.


Nelly never changed her native theater named after Mossovet. For more than 50 seasons, she has been playing only on his stage, becoming one of the leading actresses. Millet took part in the following productions:

  • "Dangerous ties";
  • "Little Tragedies";
  • "King Lear";
  • "Dear friend";
  • The Brothers Karamazov, etc.

In 1969, Millet's film debut took place. She starred in the historical film "Prince Igor" in the role of Yaroslavna. The very next year she appeared in the film Young.

In 1973, Nelly was offered to play in the film Agony. According to the script, she was supposed to bare her breasts in front of the camera. At the time, this was an extraordinary request. However, Millet was ready for a lot for the sake of art, and without hesitation agreed to the role.

In the 70-80s, Millet had no end to the proposals of the directors. She was literally snapped up. In 1977, the actress starred in Office Romance. There she played the wife of the hero Oleg Basilashvili. In 1987, Pshennaya took part in the filming of the famous film by Svetlana Druzhinina "Midshipmen, forward!", Where she played the role of Anna Bestuzheva.

In the late 90s, hard times came for Russian actors. Few "full lengths" were produced, and filmmakers focused on serials. Millet was filmed in a similar format. She played in such famous TV series as "Paradise apples", "Two destinies", "Wasp's Nest", "Marriage by Testament".


Personal life

Nelly Millet was married twice. She met her first husband as a student at GITIS, where he also studied. A spark ran between the young people, and they hurried to formalize the relationship. However, their union was fleeting. A little more than six months after going to the registry office, the couple divorced. Nelly remembers this marriage with reluctance. Moreover, she did not even consider the first marriage to be a marriage.

The second spouse of Millet was also an actor. She met Alexei Sheinin while filming a TV show. Soon fate brought them together on one set. A close relationship developed between them. Soon, Nelly became pregnant and Sheinin immediately proposed to her. In 1976, the couple had a daughter, Eugene. Seven years later, Sheinin and Millet divorced. Nelly was carried away by Alexei's friend - Yuri Demic. Sheinin could not forgive her for this, although he himself was unfaithful in marriage. Soon he remarried, and Nellie never again tied herself in marriage.

After the divorce, the daughter stayed with Millet. Since her childhood fell on just a period of high demand for Nelly, the girl quickly became independent. Millet often took her with her to the theater, where she even played several roles. In 2015, Evgenia died of cancer, leaving two little daughters. Now Nelly is engaged in their upbringing. Alexey Sheinin also takes part in the lives of his granddaughters.
