What Is Restyling

What Is Restyling
What Is Restyling

Restyling is a concept that is used in marketing to refer to external changes in the company's image. For example, changing the logo or corporate colors. Restyling is a kind of redecoration in the house: the furniture is the same, but everything looks much fresher.

What is restyling
What is restyling

Restyling is often confused with rebranding. It is not right. The concept of "rebranding" is much broader and includes changes within the company (attitudes, principles of work, mission and strategy) and external changes (new products, slogan, logo, perhaps even a new name of the company).

Restyling includes only changes in the company's external style.

When you need a restyling

High competition in the market forces companies to constantly come up with something new in order to keep the audience interested in their products. In such a situation, changing the appearance of a product or logo is a necessity. The brand should be consistent with the interests of consumers and be modern. Thus, the Picnic trademark, having changed the packaging of the chocolate bar and the logo, by choosing other colors, increased its sales by 77%.

Restyling is used when making changes to the technology of production of a product or improving the quality of goods. For example, the Lebedyansky company produced “Ya” juice for the middle price segment. Over time, they realized that the juice was of high quality and could sell for a higher price. By changing the logo and packaging of the product, adding grace, while maintaining the recognition of the product, the company has reached a new level among customers.

How is restyling carried out

First, you need to determine the needs of consumers, find out their preferences and tastes.

Together with designers and marketers, we need to change the logo and corporate colors of the company, taking into account the expectations of consumers. Sometimes it's enough just to choose a different font. For example, the Coca-Cola company, having changed the logo font from printed to handwritten, has not made changes to it for more than a hundred years. At the same time, the company remains popular among its audience and does not need reminders.

When restyling, it is better to make several versions of a new logo or packaging appearance. Next, a focus group of representatives of the target audience gathers, where during the discussion the positive and negative sides of the new style are clarified.

As a result, by voting, it becomes clear: either some option gets approved and the brand starts work on its implementation, or it is still necessary to work in search of successful style changes.

After the restyling has been carried out, it is necessary to conduct an efficiency analysis: whether sales have increased, whether new customers have appeared. Restyling can be considered successful only in case of positive changes.