How Modern Society Develops

How Modern Society Develops
How Modern Society Develops

Modern society develops according to an unwritten law, which can only be traced with deep analysis. Unfortunately, we are not developing in all areas. The situation is likely to be dire in a few generations.

Modern man
Modern man

The development of modern society can be viewed in several contexts. To have a more or less complete picture, it is enough to consider the political, economic and cultural aspects.

Political side

Everything in politics tends to be centralized. There is even an opinion that some invisible force (the World Government) wants to achieve centralization of power in its hands. In this case, all borders between states will be erased, each person will be controlled, and the vector of further development will directly depend on the will of a group of selected people. At the same time, attempts to globalize have been undertaken for several centuries.

The systematic work of the media, through which the propaganda of tolerance, equality between all people is carried out, the eradication of the history of entire peoples, the destruction of culture leads to a gradual averaging of all living on the planet. As a result, human society after 30-50 years can move to a completely different political level. If now there are still preserved traditions that are honored in a number of peoples, then in the future a single set of laws and traditions will be invented for all, on which people should rely.

Russia is one of the last strongholds on the road to globalization. An attempt by Western forces to seize Ukraine was the first step towards the political takeover of the country. The Ukrainian people fell into the epicenter of the struggle between the forces of the West and another force that unites Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Competent political decisions will allow the globalists to win this battle. Moreover, China and a number of countries in the Middle East fully support the policy chosen by the Russian Federation.

Two generations, brought up in conditions when cultural values and traditions are forgotten, will bring humanity down the evolutionary ladder far down.

The economic side and money

Until two millennia ago, money did not matter as much as it does now. The modern world is directly dependent on money. Goods and services are offered only for the cash equivalent. Such a concept as exchange is already a thing of the past, and the maintenance of a subsistence economy does not tempt city dwellers to return to work on the ground again.

The role of money is so great that many conversations begin about how much you spent or earned. Constant settlements are being carried out, the role of banks and currency exchanges in the development of society is growing every day.

Currently, there is a transition of society from industrial to informational. Countries such as Japan, USA, Germany are at the final stage, which gives them guarantees of successful economic development as pioneers. The role of information, which is bought and sold on the market for the same money as the products of production, is growing.

Unfortunately, the economy differs from country to country. In some countries, there is a problem with how to get a person receiving a very high allowance to go to work, in others not only adults but also children go hungry. Humanity is developing economically irrationally. This is reflected in the growth of conflicts that develop into direct clashes.

A number of European countries and the United States are trying to control the political and economic situation. This lasts for several centuries, which is why global wars began. The most recent of them - the Second World War was won by the Soviet Union, thanks to which the world received a little respite, until the ideological war began, which continues to this day.

This war is waged with the aim of seizing both political and economic power. It is more terrible than an open clash of states.

The cultural side

The level of culture of a modern person is not so high and is falling rapidly. This leads to personality degradation. The presence of the Internet, the availability of any kind of information, permissiveness, the propaganda of a free lifestyle pouring from TV screens, gives every resident of the city an installation that one can afford something that was not allowed a century ago.

At the same time, less and less attention is paid to the study of history, reading books, visiting theaters, galleries, museums. Consumer psychology is flourishing. Modern students for the most part have forgotten how to express thoughts, as they are used to only consume information. And this is the future of our planet, our heritage.


Modern human society is regressing rather than progressing. This applies to almost all areas of activity. Yes, scientific and technological progress allows you to enjoy many benefits of civilization, but the ecology suffers from this, people become inert and uninteresting to the processes taking place around.

It seems that each of us began to live in his own little world - do not touch me, and I will be good for everyone. This state of affairs will not allow humanity to develop harmoniously.