History Of Christianity

History Of Christianity
History Of Christianity

Christianity is the largest world religion, based on the life and teachings of Jesus Chrits, described in the New Testament. True Christians sacredly believe in Jesus of Nazareth, consider him to be God's son, the Messiah, and do not doubt the historicity of his personality.

History of Christianity
History of Christianity

Preconditions for the emergence of Christianity

Christianity has existed for more than two thousand years, it arose in the 1st century BC. e. There is no consensus about the exact place of origin of this religion, some researchers are sure that Christianity arose in Palestine, others argue that it happened in Greece.

Palestinian Jews before the 2nd century BC e. were under foreign domination. But they still managed to achieve economic and political independence, significantly expanding their territory. Independence did not last long, in 63 BC. e. the Roman commander Gnei Poltei introduced troops to Judea, annexing these territories to the Roman Empire. By the beginning of our era, Palestine had completely lost its independence, the government began to be carried out by the Roman governor.

The loss of political independence led to the strengthening of the positions of radical nationalist Jewish religious groups. Their leaders spread the idea of divine retribution for violations of religious prohibitions, customs and the covenants of the fathers. All groups fought actively against the Roman conquerors. For the most part, the Romans won it, therefore, by the 1st century AD. e. the hope for the coming of the Messiah among the people grew stronger every year. This also proves that the first book of the New Testament, the Apocalypse, is dated precisely to the 1st century AD. The idea of retaliation has emerged most strongly in this book.

The ideological foundation laid by Judaism, together with the prevailing historical situation, also contributed to the emergence of Christianity. The Old Testament tradition received a new interpretation, the rethought ideas of Judaism gave the new religion faith in the second coming of Christ.

Ancient philosophical teachings also had a significant impact on the formation of the Christian worldview. The philosophical systems of the Neo-Pythagoreans, Stoics, Plato and Neoplatonists gave the Christian religion many mental constructions, concepts and even terms, which were subsequently reflected in the texts of the New Testament.

Stages of the formation of Christianity

The formation of Christianity took place in the period from the middle of the 1st century to the 5th century AD. In this period, several main stages in the development of Christianity can be distinguished.

The stage of actual eschatology (second half of the 2nd century). At the first stage, the Christian religion can be called Judeo-Christian, since it has not yet completely separated from Judaism. The arrival of the Savior during this period was expected literally from day to day, therefore it is called - actual eschatology.

During this period, there was still no centralized Christian organization, there were no priests. Religious communities were led by charismatics, the didascals preached the doctrine among the people, technical issues were solved by deacons. A little later, bishops appeared - observers, overseers and presbyters - elders.

The stage of adaptation (II beginning of the III century). During this period, the moods of Christians change, a quick end of the world does not happen, an intense expectation is replaced by an adaptation to the existing world order. General eschatology gives way to individual eschatology, based on the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. The national and social composition of Christian communities is gradually changing. More and more representatives of the educated and wealthy strata of the population of different nations are converting to Christianity, as a result of which the creed becomes more tolerant of wealth.

In the same period, Christianity completely breaks away from Judaism, there are fewer Jews among Christians. Jewish rituals are replaced by new ones, religious holidays are filled with new mythological content. Baptism, prayer, communion and other rituals borrowed from the religions of different nations appear in the cult of Christianity. Large church Christian centers are beginning to form.

The stage of the struggle for domination in the empire. At the third stage, Christianity is finally established as a state religion. From 305 to 313, Christianity was persecuted and persecuted in the so-called "era of martyrs." Since 313, according to the Milanese edict of Emperor Constantine, Christians receive equal rights with pagans and become under the protection of the state. In 391, the emperor Theodosius finally consolidates Christianity as the official state religion and prohibits paganism. After that, councils begin to be held, at which church dogmas and principles for the further development and strengthening of Christianity are developed and approved.