What Are The Most Important Commandments In Christianity

What Are The Most Important Commandments In Christianity
What Are The Most Important Commandments In Christianity

Christianity offers a person some specific commandments, the fulfillment of which has a beneficial effect on the spiritual qualities of people. The well-known ten commandments are still relevant to the Christian, but Christ reduced the entire Sinai legislation to two important decrees.

What are the most important commandments in Christianity
What are the most important commandments in Christianity

The Holy Scripture of the New Testament tells that Christ was once asked which commandments are the greatest in the Christian law. The Lord mentioned the ten commandments given to the prophet Moses on Mount Sinai, and then summarized them all, giving a new, simpler vision of the main Christian virtues. Jesus said that the whole law is based on the commandments of love for God and for one's neighbor.

Love for God must necessarily be inherent in a believing Christian. This concept includes all four commandments of the Sinai legislation, which speak of a person's relationship to God. A Christian should not create idols for himself, worship other gods. The manifestation of love for God should be like a bright feeling of trust in the Lord and striving for unity with him. A Christian must accept God as a loving father, and therefore a person himself must have certain feelings of love for his Creator.

The second basic commandment Christ called love for neighbors. This means love for all people. The Bible says that if a person does not have love for his neighbor, then faith in God is useless, and the Apostle John the Theologian even proclaims that those who testify to their love for God, and at the same time do not have love for man, are liars. … The concepts of love for God and for one's neighbor are interconnected. It is impossible to talk about fulfilling one commandment while ignoring another.

The ten commandments of Moses can be fully combined into the instructions of Christ. So, if a person loves his neighbor, he will not kill, envy, lie, and so on. And if a person has love for God, then he will not worship idols, create other gods for himself, abuse the name of God, but will have the desire to devote his day to the Creator as often as possible.