What Is The Difference Between The Commandments In Christianity And In Buddhism

What Is The Difference Between The Commandments In Christianity And In Buddhism
What Is The Difference Between The Commandments In Christianity And In Buddhism

The spiritual path is at the core of any religion. Every person who adheres to this or that faith should lead an appropriate righteous lifestyle. The commandments are the postulates in the formation of this way of life. Not surprisingly, they are similar across different religions. In Christianity and in Buddhism, there are ten of them.

What is the difference between the commandments in Christianity and in Buddhism
What is the difference between the commandments in Christianity and in Buddhism

Christian commandments

In Christianity, very serious importance is attached to the correct understanding of God, the correctness of prayer to him. Man is a slave of God. That is why the first four commandments are devoted to describing the relationship between God and man.

The first four commandments reveal monotheism, attitude towards God, the existence of other gods is denied, the worship of idols, the vain utterance of the name of the Lord is prohibited.

The Creator, the main aspects of faith, is brought to the fore in Christianity.

The fifth commandment reveals the attitude towards parents, encourages them to respect them, as the Lord commands.

The last five commandments relate directly to the lifestyle that a righteous Christian should lead. They condemn murder, theft, adultery, slander, envy. These acts are considered sinful.

Buddhist commandments

The Ten Commandments of Buddhism can be divided into three main parts. The first relates to the body, the second to speech, and the third to thoughts. The basis of Buddhist practice is a kind and loving heart. In order for it to become such, it is not necessary to commit ten unseemly actions.

The first three evil actions that Buddhists are encouraged to abstain from relate to the body. This is murder, theft and sexual immorality.

Buddhism attaches great importance to correct speech. After all, as many as four commandments are associated with it. This includes lying, backbiting and fanning hostility, harsh speech, idle talk, or talk of stupidity.

The last three commandments are aimed at creating the correct mental attitude. It consists in getting rid of greed, the desire to harm someone, and also from false views.

The nine Buddhist commandments are devoted to morality, actions that are not worth taking in order to find a kind, loving heart. The tenth commandment tells about faith itself.

Only the tenth commandment of Buddhism speaks directly about religion, about belief in the law of cause and effect, the existence of Buddhas, future and past lives.

Differences between Buddhist and Christian precepts

The main aspects of a righteous lifestyle are reflected in almost the same way in both religions. Theft, murder, licentious sex life, slander, envy are condemned in both Buddhism and Christianity.

A distinctive feature of Buddhism is that all the commandments are devoted to morality, therefore they are called ten more virtues, the righteous way of life is described in them in more detail than in Christianity. Only the tenth commandment speaks of the Buddha, the belief in the transmigration of souls and the law of cause and effect.

In Christianity, in the first place God and worship him. These are the first commandments. And the description of a righteous lifestyle is described in less detail than in Buddhism.

The commandments of both religions are similar in many ways. In a more general sense, they can be divided into two parts: attitude towards the deity and a righteous lifestyle. The difference lies only in the ratio of these parts and the place that is given to them.

One of the differences is also the fifth commandment in Christianity. In Buddhism, the attitude towards parents is not specified.