The conclusion of an agreement with Vodokanal is necessary for each consumer in order to ensure and protect their right to high-quality provision of utilities and to clearly understand the delineation of responsibilities and powers in relations with this structure. The schemes for concluding agreements with Vodokanal are different, it makes sense to consider the main ones.

Step 1
If in the case of legal entities everything is quite transparent and understandable - a standard contract for the provision of services is concluded, where the organization acts as a consumer, and Vodokanal acts as a supplier, then when it comes to housing, the situation becomes more confusing. There are three basic schemes., according to which Vodokanal concludes agreements with representatives of the housing stock: direct agreement (supplier - Vodokanal, consumer - direct owner of housing and user of services), agreement through a housing maintenance organization (supplier - Vodokanal, consumer - housing maintenance organization, which in turn will interact with the end consumer - the homeowner), an agreement through a management company (supplier - Vodokanal, consumer - management company, which, in turn, draws up contracts with homeowners).
Step 2
Most of the contracts are concluded according to the following principle: if there is a HOA in an apartment building, another form of housing maintenance organization, the presence of a management company, an intermediary concludes an agreement with Vodokanal. This form is really convenient, however, mainly for Vodokanal. Much, of course, depends on the HOA or the management company, if they work efficiently, then the best option for the owner is to sign an agreement with an intermediary and entrust him with all interaction with Vodokanal.
Step 3
Often, the intermediary does not inspire confidence in the owner, in which case he has every right to refuse to conclude an agreement with him. The legislation provides for the possibility of each owner to conclude an individual contract with the public utility, which is the direct provider of services. In theory, everything is simple: documents confirming ownership, identification and filling out a model contract, that's the whole solution. In practice, everything is simple enough only for those who live in the private sector. Vodokanal usually refuses to conclude contracts with the owners of apartments in apartment buildings. In general, this approach is understandable and explainable - all the functionality for maintaining statistics, monitoring, servicing each specific contract is carried out in this case by Vodokanal.
Step 4
Submit an application to the utility service, and if it is returned with a refusal, conclude an individual contract with the utility provider in court, it is enough to file a refusal on the application, confirm ownership and competently draw up a claim against Vodokanal.