What Is Prayer By Agreement

What Is Prayer By Agreement
What Is Prayer By Agreement

In Orthodox spiritual practice, prayer occupies an important place in a person's life. It is a means of addressing God, the Mother of God or the saints. Congregational prayer is recognized as especially strong, one of the varieties of which is prayer by agreement.

What is prayer by agreement
What is prayer by agreement

In the spiritual Orthodox tradition, there are prayers of thanksgiving, repentance and supplication. There are many prayers that allow a person to thank God for good deeds, ask for forgiveness for what he has done, and also ask for help in any bodily and mental needs. Often it is supplicatory prayers that take place in a person's life at a time when people are in dire need of something.

In Orthodox practice, there is the concept of prayer by agreement, that is, such a prayer that is carried out by a group of people at the same time. At the same time, there can be from several people praying, up to several hundred people. It is noteworthy that prayer by agreement is performed in different parts of the world. The main thing in such a prayer is the simultaneous prayer offered up to the Lord. This prayer is conciliar and has great spiritual power. The Lord Himself in the Gospel announced to people that if the latter decide to gather in His name, then Christ Himself will be invisibly present among those praying.

Many Orthodox prayer books contain a specific text of prayer by agreement. In such a prayer, a request is inserted in a certain place. The requests may vary. For example, very often prayer by agreement is performed during natural disasters, military operations, human health is requested, healing from illness, overcoming various family and other hardships.

Prayer by agreement can be read by believers both in the temple (at a certain agreed time) and at home. Often in many parishes there is a special time set for the commencement of such a prayer. Sometimes a prayer with a specific request is performed by a priest. Also, a prayer by agreement can be read in private, that is, at home by the laity themselves.

Having agreed on prayer by agreement, believers can read canons, akathists, prayers for the sick, traveling, for deliverance from the ailment of drunkenness or other prayers, after which it is useful to read the "prayer by agreement" itself. It is also worth mentioning that the laity who wish to take upon themselves the feat of prayer by agreement should first receive the blessing of the priest for this.

Prayer by agreement can be read either one day or a certain period of time. In this case, the Church does not limit a person to any time frame, but everything depends on the needs and zeal of believers.