What Freemasons Do

What Freemasons Do
What Freemasons Do

Masonic lodges began their existence several centuries ago and reached their peak at the end of the 18th century. Due to the fact that among their members were prominent politicians, the Freemasons had a significant influence on the life of society. Today the Masonic order is popular in many countries, but for many people the question remains - what are the Freemasons doing?

What Freemasons Do
What Freemasons Do

In the Middle Ages, Freemasons actively fought against religion and monarchical government. Despite the fact that Masons officially preach religious tolerance and can support any religion, it was important for them to free humanity from the prejudices associated with it. Masons secretly or openly supported free-thinkers and various sects, thus causing a split in the Christian church. The idea of separating the church from the state at the time of the activation of the liberal and socialist parties belonged precisely to the Freemasons.

Another goal of the Masonic lodges was the destruction of the monarchical power, as well as the national identity of the peoples. In their opinion, these shortcomings of society significantly hinder the achievement of the ultimate ideal of society - a superstate without nationalities, religions, monarchs, where all people are brothers. Freemasons supported the ideas of democracy, liberalism, helped the revolutionaries. To achieve their goal, they tried to seize political influence and power and reshape all spheres of life in their own way. This applied not only to religion and the state, but also to the family, school, army, science, art, industry, etc.

Today many of the goals of the Freemasons have been achieved in one way or another. Religion no longer plays an important role in governing the state, the monarchy has practically outlived its usefulness, democracy, freedom of conscience, assembly, and religion reigned in most countries. However, society still did not reach the ultimate ideal, so the actions of the Masons are now directed in a different direction.

In civilized countries, including Europe, Freemasonry faced such problems as a decline in the general culture of the population, indifference of people to each other. Meanwhile, the brotherhood and equality of all people is an integral part of the ideal society in the teachings of the Freemasons. Therefore, today Freemasonry considers itself, to a certain extent, a club for the creation of the intelligentsia - a stratum of society that is dying at the moment. Relationships between people should be based on the principles of friendship, relationship to each other, self-sacrifice.

In fact, it looks like funding schools, universities, hospitals, medical research centers, and other charitable activities. For example, in the United States, Masonic charities spend about half a billion dollars a year for these purposes. In Russia, this activity is hardly noticeable, since the Masonic lodges are practically not developed.
