Who Are The Freemasons

Who Are The Freemasons
Who Are The Freemasons

The organization of Freemasons has always interested and frightened ordinary people. The myth that the whole world is ruled by "free masons" has been around for about three centuries. Freemasonry bizarrely combines politics, religion, and pagan cults.

Who are the Freemasons
Who are the Freemasons

The word "freemason" itself is translated as "bricklayer, builder". This secret and mystical movement originated in the eighteenth century. Freemasons are a worldwide political and religious organization.

Like medieval builders, members of the modern organization use secret symbols and passwords to communicate with each other. The masons completely adopted the terms and letters from the participants in these closed workshops. This allows them to keep the secret of their belonging to the group, but communicate freely with each other.

In 1717, Freemasonry officially became the property of the Grand Lodge of England. Later, members of the organization began to create separate groups around the world. They can influence the cultural, economic and political life of the country, as it includes mainly rich and influential citizens. There are now approximately eight million Freemasons living all over the world.

The members of this group do not consider themselves a religious organization, but all members have a certain faith, rituals, hierarchy. Freemasons worship the Great Architect of the universe. The main commandment of such a religion is considered to be reason, which will help a person avoid punishment after death, the soul is considered immortal.

Freemasons use very ancient rituals based on pagan rites. The rites are performed in special temples called lodges. Some Freemasons' ceremonies are similar to Christian ones, such as marriage. A person who wants to become a member of Freemasonry must undergo an initiation ritual. Such a ceremony is very frightening, it keeps the initiate in constant tension.

Officially, Freemasonry is considered a philosophical and social organization. This group owns a number of charities. Members of Freemasonry seek to achieve power, for this they recruit people from the upper strata of the population.

Within the organization, there is a division into several branches that are constantly vying and fighting for spheres of influence and finances. Modern Freemasons and their meetings are more like a kind of social closed club, where its members meet to share their problems and discuss the political situation. The raid of the Middle Ages and those mystical rituals remained only in some places, because society is now too numerous to manage each of its members.