Why You Need To Know Human Rights

Why You Need To Know Human Rights
Why You Need To Know Human Rights

Human rights are the rules that the state, represented by the authorities, must observe in relation to its citizens. Rights are given to a person at birth, they cannot be bought or earned, they are the same for everyone. In a democratic state, they are stipulated in the Constitution and put an individual, a citizen, in an advantageous position in relation to the state.

Why you need to know human rights
Why you need to know human rights

The UN in December 1948 adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which provides a definition of this concept. Subsequently, a more detailed definition of human rights was given at two world conferences, where most countries of the world made commitments to respect them in their territories. Every citizen is obliged to know his rights, if only simply to monitor their observance by the state. If you do not know them, then, in essence, it means that you simply do not have them. Knowing your rights, you can prevent their violation and fight for their observance. But you not only need to know the list of these rights, but also have a clear and clear idea of where and how they should be applied in each specific life situation. Human rights prohibit discrimination based on race or gender, therefore, for example, it is illegal in civilized countries declared apartheid or deprived women of the right to vote. Freedom of expression, opinion, and religion are also fundamental human rights, and the prohibition of them is a violation for which legal responsibility is established. Currently, objective processes of globalization are taking place, when the traditional borders between countries, people and societies are being destroyed. That is why it is so important to develop uniform international standards regulating human rights at the international level. Knowledge of these rights will allow people to peacefully, on the basis of their observance, solve many global problems of mankind - the prevention of military conflicts, environmental protection, social and racial inequality. Unfortunately, mankind has accumulated negative experience of interaction between the state and individual citizens, its components. Human rights help to limit the activities of state institutions only to those functions that were initially delegated to the state: law enforcement, the maintenance of the army to ensure defense, the judiciary to regulate internal relations. Respect for human rights helps to increase the value of an individual and protect his rights and freedoms.
