Anton Lapshin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

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Anton Lapshin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Anton Lapshin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Anton Lapshin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Anton Lapshin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Video: Антон Долин – стыдные вопросы про кино / вДудь 2024, December

This man saved the lives of our smaller brothers. Unfortunately, the real fate of Dr. Aibolit was sad - he died young, never becoming a gray-haired grandfather, who is familiar to us from a fairy tale.

Anton Lapshin
Anton Lapshin

If by the state of medicine one can judge the problems that exist in society, then the level of development of veterinary medicine indicates the degree of well-being in the country. The singing of good doctors who treat animals began only in the 20th century. The biography of our hero is associated with the humanization of animal care.


Anton was born in 1988 in Moscow. In addition to him, the family had another son named Maxim. The boys' father was a veterinarian and welcomed the children's interest in their work. From an early age, the brothers dreamed of becoming the successors of his work, listened with interest to stories from his practice, got acquainted with the basics of zoology.

When the guys went to school, the parent offered them to study at his clinic. The first tasks for young veterinarians were simple, and soon the boys could be allowed to perform the duties of surgeon's assistants. The father performed the operation, and his sons helped him. As a teenager, Anton realized that saving the lives of four-legged animals was his vocation. After receiving a diploma of secondary education in 2005, he entered the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K. I. Skryabin.

Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K. I. Skryabin
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K. I. Skryabin


The veterinarian of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine chose an area with which he was already very familiar in practice - soft tissue surgery. During his studies, he was interested in the treatment of vascular anomalies in animals. Lapshin chose protosystemic vascular anomalies in animals as the topic of his thesis - the study of problems with blood flow in the liver of pets and the method of dealing with them. Defense took place in 2010.

The young specialist got a job as a surgeon at the Zoovet clinic in the capital and continued his postgraduate studies at the Department of Anatomy and Histology. A. F. Klimova. Anton continued to study the topic, which he took up in his student years. This time, he took up the development of methods for treating vascular defects in the liver of animals. The subject of his research was protocaval shunting of the affected areas of the liver of animals. The doctor attended refresher courses and lectures on endoscopic diagnostic methods and advanced surgical techniques.

Anton Lapshin examines a patient
Anton Lapshin examines a patient


In 2013, Anton Lapshin changed Zoovet to Biocontrol. The same position and working conditions did not meet the needs of the specialist, so a few months later he took up the invitation to head the Department of Surgery and Endoscopy at the Moscow Center for Veterinary Minimally Invasive Surgery and Diagnostics "KOMONDOR". Then he worked in the veterinary clinic of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Intensive Care of Dr. Sotnikov, the Innovative Veterinary Center of the Moscow Veterinary Academy. For several years the guy has been actively mastering advanced minimally invasive methods of diagnostics and therapy, which provide for minimal trauma to the patient's tissues during surgery. He trained in the USA and Japan. Soon our hero became one of the extremely small number of domestic veterinarians who applied the advanced achievements of science in their practice.

The famous surgeon was often invited to lecture to colleagues and students. He never refused, visited different cities in Russia and abroad to promote new methods of treating our pets. In his own clinic, the doctor performed unique operations and insisted on purchasing modern equipment.

Anton Lapshin giving a lecture
Anton Lapshin giving a lecture


Educational activity helped Anton to arrange his personal life. He met the beautiful Anastasia, who shared his opinion that spreading knowledge about the latest scientific achievements would help bring veterinary medicine in Russia to a new level. Soon, like-minded people became husband and wife. They had a daughter and a son. In his interviews, Dr. Lapshin always called his beloved woman and children the main components of his happiness.

Anton Lapshin with his wife and daughter
Anton Lapshin with his wife and daughter

Dr. Lapshin's contribution to veterinary medicine consists in the use of our smaller technologies for the treatment of the brothers, which until now have been used exclusively in human clinics. He performed a number of operations on the internal organs of animals for the first time in Russia and in the world. Among his patients were representatives of different species with a wide variety of sizes. Our hero dreamed of the moment when robotic surgical instruments, which are being developed in the West today, will come to Russia.


In an interview, Anton honestly admitted that his work is very nervous. Saving a living creature is always associated with risk, in vain, many believe that innovation has turned this process into creativity, or likened a computer game. He even said that he would be glad if his children choose another profession. The father complained that he rarely saw them, but could not leave his responsible post.

Anton Lapshin with a patient
Anton Lapshin with a patient

On October 20, 2018 Lapshin performed a planned operation. After graduation, the doctor suddenly died of a heart attack. He was only 30 years old.

Today the friends and relatives of the talented surgeon have united in the "Lapsin Team". This group of doctors, including the widow and brother of the deceased, continues the work of Anton Lapshin, promotes modern methods of treating animals, and conducts unique diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
