What Putin Said In His Message To The Federal Assembly

What Putin Said In His Message To The Federal Assembly
What Putin Said In His Message To The Federal Assembly

On February 20, 2019, Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly. The performance lasted more than 1.5 hours. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main theses, conclusions and plans proposed by the Russian president this year.

What Putin said in his message to the Federal Assembly
What Putin said in his message to the Federal Assembly

Social sphere

The demographic problem is one of the most acute in Russia: the population continues to decline, and the standard of living of the unprotected segments of the population is deteriorating every year.


In this regard, V. V. Putin proposed the following measures.

Increase in benefits for disabled children

Monthly assistance to such families will be increased by more than 40%, and will amount to at least 10,000 in absolute terms. An increase in the number of families who can expect to receive monthly payments for the first and second child up to 1.5 years. If today young parents receive benefits only if their income is below 1.5 times the subsistence level, now the coefficient has been increased to 2.

Eliminating the problem with the nursery

It has become much easier to place a child after 3 years in kindergarten than a few years ago. The situation with the nursery is much worse. If a young mother is forced to work, it is extremely problematic to send a child under 3 years old to a public preschool institution. The President ordered to solve this problem by 2021.

Benefits for large families

As it turned out, the current system of tax incentives for large families does not fully satisfy the real needs of this category of the population.

  1. It was decided to introduce a progressive scale of reduction of benefits depending on the number of children.
  2. The relaxation will also affect summer cottages and household plots: 6 acres of land will not be taxed at all.
  3. Mortgage rates for large families will be reduced.
  4. The state will provide assistance in paying off the mortgage in the amount of 450 thousand rubles for families with three or more children. According to some reports, such a measure will help thousands of families acquire housing almost entirely at the expense of the state (using maternity capital and this benefit), this is especially true for small settlements.

Increase in pensions

It is planned to carry out a new indexation of pensions in excess of the subsistence level, including recalculating retroactively from the beginning of 2019.

Project "Zemsky Teacher"

Not so long ago, the Zemsky Doctor project was launched, which gave excellent results. A highly qualified specialist who moved to a small settlement was paid a remuneration. A similar project in 2020 will be implemented for educators: teachers who go to work in the provinces will receive a one-time payment of about 1 million rubles.


Perhaps this topic met with the greatest positive response from citizens. The ecological situation in many cities of the country is on the brink of disaster, and it is unrealistic to cope with the existing problems without state regulation and federal measures.


So, what tasks did V. V. Putin for the near future?

  1. Reducing the number of landfills and landfills. From now on, it is prohibited to build housing near landfills. In the shortest possible time, it is necessary to eliminate at least 30 landfills within the metropolitan area.
  2. Creation of our own Russian brand of ecological products that will be able to compete at the international level.
  3. Waste disposal control. If less than 10% of waste is being recycled, in the near future this figure should be increased to 60%.
  4. Special control over reserves. Felling of trees is prohibited in the country's national parks. Tight control is established over tourism in these places, only eco-tourism is allowed. In addition, it is necessary to resolve the issue with people who already live in protected areas. In the future, it is planned to open new national parks with mass planting of trees.


The state of the medical sector in the country raises a lot of complaints from the population, so this industry needs constant reform. These are the measures proposed by the head of state.

  1. Elimination of the problem with queues, both actual and associated with the appointment to specialists. It is necessary to prevent the accumulation of patients in medical institutions due to irrational organization of queues.
  2. Large-scale developments in the field of genetics and the creation of artificial intelligence. According to the president's forecasts, by 2030 Russia should become the world leader in this segment.
  3. Construction on the territory of the country, at least, two large children's rehabilitation centers of international level.
  4. Allocation of over 1 trillion rubles for the prevention and treatment of cancer.
  5. Creation of conditions for the development of the palliative care system. Currently, terminally ill people can rely rather on the help of relatives and volunteers. The currently existing hospices cannot accommodate even a tenth of patients in need of a palliative.

New technologies

  1. The introduction of the fifth generation of 5G mobile communications throughout the country is one of the discussed and controversial issues. V. V. Putin has outlined a clear position: there will be a 5G standard in Russia.
  2. Equipping schools with high-quality Internet. This solution will allow the younger generation to better master digital technologies, as well as implement various online projects both in Russia and with peers from other countries.

Military defense industry

This area is of less interest to the population, but it is one of the strengths of our state and continues to actively develop.

In his message, Putin spoke about the most modern developments that will be presented in the very near future. Among them:

  • strategic missile system with the Avangard hypersonic gliding winged unit;
  • the carrier submarine of the Poseidon unmanned complex;
  • combat laser complex "Peresvet";
  • intercontinental ballistic missile of the strategic complex "Sarmat".

Construction and reconstruction

  1. Over the next 6 years, it is planned to renovate more than 60 airports throughout the country to meet international standards.
  2. Development of a cultural and leisure environment in small towns and villages, in particular, the construction of clubs for young people and houses of culture.
