Vasily Klyukin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vasily Klyukin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vasily Klyukin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Those who do not take risks do not drink champagne - this is the motto of gambling fans who sit down at the table. It's no secret that serious people earn money, not win. Russian millionaire and businessman Vasily Klyukin plays well at poker.

Vasily Klyukin
Vasily Klyukin

Starting conditions

The talents and abilities of a person at all times were judged by the results of his work. Often, nature generously endows a person. For the time being, he may not even guess about his abilities. Vasily Vasilyevich Klyukin amassed his capital on his native land. After a while, he settled in the famous principality of Monaco. And not only settled down, but became addicted to the card game of poker. In one of the prestigious tournaments, the businessman took the highest position among the domestic participants and won a decent amount.


The future banker and poker player was born on March 3, 1976 in a family of Soviet intellectuals. Parents lived in Moscow. My father lectured on the history of world civilization at Moscow State University. Mother worked as an editor in one of the city newspapers. Vasily studied well at school. After the tenth grade, he decided to get a specialized education at the insurance department at the Financial Academy under the Russian government. In 1998 he received a diploma and was admitted to the bank "ASB-Agro" as a cashier. From this "low" start, Klyukin began his successful career.


Entrepreneurial activity

As people in the know say - big money loves silence. From an early age Vasily stood out among his peers with restraint and logical thinking. Moving up the career ladder in the bank, he simultaneously mastered the intricacies of the professions of an auditor and an appraiser. By a certain point, Klyukin received inside information and made the right decision. Vasily, together with his brother Mikhail, bought out a controlling stake in the modest Buikombank, which was located in Kostroma. After successive reorganization and rebranding, the renewed Sovcombank took a position in the top 100 banks in Russia.


In parallel with banking, Klyukin was engaged in development activities. We had to finish building “frozen” objects in the center of the capital and build up plots in the Moscow region. In this field, Vasily developed an interest in architecture and design. In 2013, a prestigious Italian publishing house released a colorful album entitled Design Legends. In this album, Klyukin presented more than fifty design projects for office buildings, towers, museums and theaters. At one of the auctions Vasily bought a ticket for a tourist flight into space. The Russian businessman will be accompanied by the cult actor DiCaprio. The date of the flight will be announced later.


Projects and personal life

Klyukin is enthusiastically engaged in creativity in various directions. He has already held an exhibition of sculptures in Moscow. Writes another book. Plans to build a unique tower in Monaco. The project is under consideration by the local authorities.

The personal life of a businessman took shape on the second try. In the first marriage, the husband and wife had three children. But this did not save them from parting. Currently, Klyukin is married to model Anna Vishnevskaya. They also had a child.