Why Christians Call Christ The Savior Of The World

Why Christians Call Christ The Savior Of The World
Why Christians Call Christ The Savior Of The World

Christians call the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior. In all Orthodox prayer books, such an appeal to Jesus is preserved. This titular name is fixed even in some masterpieces of world architecture and art from different countries of the world, which is not accidental and has its reflection in the general Christian consciousness.

Why Christians Call Christ the Savior of the World
Why Christians Call Christ the Savior of the World

The Bible tells man that Christ came into the world so that all who believe in Him will receive eternal life. Holy Scripture tells about that love of God for people, which is so strong that for the salvation of mankind, Christ even suffers death on the cross.

Precisely because Christ saved humanity, He is called the Savior. However, not everyone clearly understands what was the salvation of people, thanks to which Jesus was named so. Christ the Savior because only after his death on the cross does a person again have the opportunity to be in paradise. After the moment of the Fall, there was a break between God and man. Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, which was then on earth. Death enters the world with sin, after which all people go to hell. Where there is no divine light. This continued until the moment of Christ's death on the cross. When the Lord became incarnate and became a man like us in everything except sin, He did not have to die. After all, death, according to the teachings of Christianity, is a consequence of the fallen sinful nature of people. But Christ dies on the cross, descends into hell and leads out of there all who believe in Him. It turns out that the Lord saves a person from eternal stay in hell and grants people the opportunity to return to heaven.

Christians call Christ the Savior also because he saved people from the slavery of sin, the devil and damnation. Salvation from the bondage of sin lies in the ability of a person (with the assistance of grace) to achieve holiness. The slavery of the devil is crushed by Christ to the extent that hell no longer possesses the afterlife of all people. Therefore, the curse on eternal torment has now been lifted.

After the death of Christ on the cross, everyone has the opportunity to turn to God and unite with him on a spiritual mystical level. It remains only to show your desire and will for good.