Is The Baptism Of Surrogate Children Allowed In Russia?

Is The Baptism Of Surrogate Children Allowed In Russia?
Is The Baptism Of Surrogate Children Allowed In Russia?

The Church cannot refuse to baptize a surrogate child if the biological parents or the surrogate mother want to baptize him. The baby is not to blame for the fact that the Church considers his birth to be sinful. However, adults must repent.

Is the baptism of surrogate children allowed in Russia?
Is the baptism of surrogate children allowed in Russia?

Born in sin

Surrogate is the name given to children who owe their birth to modern medical technologies and surrogate mothers. The Church considers such motherhood a sin.

A woman who has carried a baby under her heart for nine months gives it to customers after birth. The spiritual and mental ties that have been established between her and the baby are broken.

Instead of a single loving mother, a surrogate child has two handicapped children. Or even none at all. If a single man decided to have offspring.

The role of motherhood is diminished. Even if a surrogate mother helps a childless couple at no cost. After all, in this case, it acts as a kind of incubator.

For many surrogate mothers, carrying a baby is a well-paid service. There are many more women who are ready to give birth to order than potential customers. The birth of a child from a sacrament turns into a profitable business.

If God didn't give

The desire to have children is natural for a married couple. If one or both spouses are childless, they should, according to the Church, pray to the Lord to give them a child. Or raise a foster child by doing a good deed.

The Orthodox Church does not condemn married couples who are childless for medical reasons.

What is baptism?

Baptism in Orthodoxy is a rite of entry into the Church. It means that a person agrees with her faith and teaching. Takes part in church life.

Some parents perceive baptism as a kind of magical act that can save a child from illness. Do not think about the responsibility of this step.

An adult is preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism. Announced: studying the foundations of the Christian religion. The decision about the time of the baptism is made by the priest who conducted the announcement.

The parents give their consent to the baptism of a child according to their faith. They undertake to educate him according to the canons of the Orthodox Church. Parents should train their child to regularly attend church with them and participate in services.

Church repentance

The Church cannot refuse to baptize a surrogate child. If such a desire is expressed by biological parents or a surrogate mother.

The baby is not responsible for the actions of his parents. It is not his fault that he was born in this way.

However, adults must repent of their sin. Regardless of whether they committed it deliberately or out of ignorance. Only then can the Church be sure that the child will be brought up in the Orthodox faith.

Otherwise, the baptism of the surrogate child is postponed until the time when he himself can make a conscious choice.