Morality As A Category Of Ethics

Morality As A Category Of Ethics
Morality As A Category Of Ethics

The terms "morality" and "morality" are used synonymously. But it's not always the case. Some scholars consider morality to be a separate category of ethics with features characteristic only of it.

Morality as a category of ethics
Morality as a category of ethics

Morality and ethics

Ethics is a philosophical science that studies morality. Often the terms "morality" and "morality" are considered identical, in this case morality is not a category of ethics, but the subject of its study.

According to some scholars, these concepts differ. For example, according to Radugin, morality is how one should act, a norm of behavior. And morality is real deeds. In this case, morality acts as a separate ethical category.

The concept of "morality" is inherently associated with the categories of good and evil. Good and evil are not attributed to natural phenomena and processes, but to the actions of people. They can be "moral" and "immoral", which cannot be said about the elements. Good is what contributes to the moral development of a person, and evil is opposed to the moral ideal. It was in an attempt to answer the question of what good and evil were that morality itself developed and ethics appeared as a science.

Properties of morality

Morality has certain properties. The requirements of morality are objective, but a specific person evaluates the actions. This assessment of the morality or immorality of an act is subjective. Morality is a concrete moral system, at the same time it is universal, since it embraces the entire human society.

Morality is of practical importance, but it is not always useful for a given person. Compliance with moral standards often turns against the person himself if his environment is immoral. Morality should be selfless. Self-interest is immoral.

One of the main components of morality is moral self-awareness. This is a person's awareness of himself, his place in society, the pursuit of a moral ideal.

Human moral culture is divided into internal and external. Internal culture is the core that holds the spiritual image of a person. These are moral ideals and attitudes, principles and norms of behavior. And already the external culture of a person depends on it, which manifests itself in the form of a culture of communication.

A person's behavior depends on his moral culture. And his actions are assessed depending on the moral norms and ideals of a given society. Moral behavior is determined by the system of values adopted in society. The activities of people are evaluated from the standpoint of good and evil. Thanks to morality, people develop common spiritual and moral values.
