Why A Monument To Steve Jobs Will Be Erected In St. Petersburg

Why A Monument To Steve Jobs Will Be Erected In St. Petersburg
Why A Monument To Steve Jobs Will Be Erected In St. Petersburg

Steve Jobs - Steven Paul Jobs - died at the age of 56 on October 5, 2011. He was one of the three founders of Apple, and it is to him that he is credited with the fact that this name is known today to anyone who has anything to do with computers or mobile devices. Perhaps, soon a monument to Jobs will appear in St. Petersburg.

Why a monument to Steve Jobs will be erected in St. Petersburg
Why a monument to Steve Jobs will be erected in St. Petersburg

The idea of creating a monument to Steve Jobs is being implemented by the Progress IT Foundation. It was created by a group of companies united in the "Western European Financial Union" with headquarters in St. Petersburg. These companies conduct business mainly in the North-West region of Russia, and the Progress IT Foundation was created by them to popularize business in the field of information technology and attract the attention of young people to the professions of IT specialists in this region. Therefore, the monument to Steve Jobs, one of the most successful pioneers of commercial IT projects, became one of the first projects of this foundation. And the regional orientation of the parent company determined the location of the future monument - it should be St. Petersburg. In addition, according to representatives of the fund, it is the northern capital that is the center of the country's information technology development. There are undoubtedly grounds for such an assessment. In addition to the fact that St. Petersburg students regularly bring awards to the country from international programming contests, it is in this city that the social network VKontakte, the domestic analogue of Facebook, was created and implemented.

It is curious that a similar idea this year came to the mind of the students of Odessa and was supported by the city authorities. If the St. Petersburg creators of the monument are just holding a competition for the best idea, then Odessa residents already know how their two-meter memorial should look like and where it will be installed.

The interest of young people in the person of Steve Jobs is attracted not so much by commercial success - he, perhaps, can be considered a concentrated expression of the student body in its modern sense. In the life of Steve, the son of foreign students who abandoned a child in the United States, there were school failures, which, thanks to only one talented teacher, were transformed into an early transfer up two grades. There were also the clandestine manufacture of hacker devices, psychedelics and hippie communes, a passion for Buddhism with a trip to India, work in the developing IT companies Atari and Hewlett-Packard. And only then (April 1, 1976) began the history of Apple Computer, to which Steve Jobs came and went twice and both times made it a world leader in the field of information technology.
