How The Universe Came To Be

How The Universe Came To Be
How The Universe Came To Be

Today, the theory of the appearance of the universe has become generally known, explaining the origin of matter from a certain initial material point. This concept is called the big bang theory.

How the universe came to be
How the universe came to be

According to this theory, the initial matter was a point that was compressed under very high temperature and density. At some point in time, an explosion occurred, and the point began to grow at an incredible rate. At the same time, a cloud appeared, from which then atoms, molecules, planets, stars arose - this is how the universe arose. The process described above may not be an isolated case. If such an explosion is repeated again, other universes may arise that do not differ in parameters and characteristics from our universe. Today, most scientists are of the opinion about the existence of a certain set of universes, one of which we can observe from the inside. It is possible that in another universe there is no life at all, and, accordingly, there are no observers in it. The alternatives to the big bang concept are: the oscillation model of the universe and the quantum model. The first model assumes that matter always exists, increasing and decreasing at different intervals. Moreover, all cycles of change are accompanied by a big bang. The quantum model assumes that all elementary particles can suddenly appear and disappear in a vacuum, which explains the emergence of the universe and matter. The vacuum itself is neutral: it has no charge, no mass, or any other parameters. It is possible that the vacuum includes some kind of matrix, according to which radiation and matter can arise. Theology also considers the question of how the universe originated. Believers in God explain the appearance of the universe by the act of creation of a supreme deity, who created life out of nothing in a few days. The mechanistic theory of the appearance of selenium explains the process of creating matter, the result of the operation of quite understandable natural laws. In addition, the supporters of this concept of the emergence of all matter completely deny the existence of higher forces or a universal deity.