How To Understand The Evolution Of The Universe, Or The Code Of The Universe

How To Understand The Evolution Of The Universe, Or The Code Of The Universe
How To Understand The Evolution Of The Universe, Or The Code Of The Universe

The Code of the Universe (COU) is completely misinterpreted by religion and science today. And only an expanded consciousness allows you to look deep into the universe, multiplying the abilities of human logic.

The information field of the Universe can be represented as a pulsation of energy on a global scale
The information field of the Universe can be represented as a pulsation of energy on a global scale

For the full development of humanity, it is imperative to understand its purpose on a universal scale, as well as the rules of the game that will allow it to effectively interact with other forces. It is quite obvious that the bearer of the conscious function has the right to consider himself a full-fledged actor on this "business site", because it is the crown of creation that must resolve issues related to the formation of new structures of interaction and structuring of basic matter - the foundation of the Universe.

So, there is fundamental matter, which is the carrier of energy. There are also carriers of the conscious function, among which, of course, a person. And all the essential manifestations of the so-called supernatural world are better for this reasoning to rank simply among other carriers of consciousness. So, the energy in a state of chaos does not represent any value for the manifested Universe, except for one - as a potential source of power, which is in a latent and non-manifested state.

And all processes aimed at the deployment of the manifested Universe from the so-called. singularity points are carried out according to certain rules or Laws, which are clearly spelled out in the KV (Code of the Universe). And it is the conscious function that is capable of identifying the current CV and making its own more effective adjustments to it.

Some may rightly point out that it is much easier said than done. But any project implementation starts with an idea. And in this case, the idea is very simple and lies on the surface - any energy messages as thought forms are the most real fragments of HF. That is, in order for the Universe to effectively develop and evolve in the "correct" format, it is necessary to use its energy in the right direction.

For example, you need a time machine, artificial intelligence technology, or spatial portals. Very good. It is necessary to clearly formulate the task based on the available thematic knowledge, and entrust the implementation to the expanded consciousness, which is in constant contact with the information field of the Universe.

It must be remembered that CV is written by any bearer of a conscious function all the time, so that humanity is a kind of software product that is formed by collective knowledge.
