How The Food Sharing Movement Came About

How The Food Sharing Movement Came About
How The Food Sharing Movement Came About

Food sharing is a fairly new movement that many have not even heard of. The bottom line is that, thanks to him, people can get food for free or, conversely, share it with others.

Food sharing movement
Food sharing movement

What is food sharing

This movement is relatively young. It arose in 2012 in Germany, thanks to two caring people. Director Valentin Thurn, filming his film on an environmental theme, came to the conclusion that people are very careless about food. A huge amount of food accumulates in landfills. It is ruthlessly thrown away by people and trade enterprises.

Food sharing
Food sharing

Raphael Felmer is the second founder of food sharing. He conducted an experiment. The essence of which was that for 5 years he lived at the expense of garbage cans and free food distribution points. And when he himself accumulated a lot of food, he began to distribute it to people in need. This experiment by Felmer led to the fact that he began to negotiate with stores that began to give him food. But Felmer alone was unable to distribute it to those in need. Then they invited volunteers. Thus, the movement became famous. Then its two founders joined forces. They run the website Soon they learned about this movement not only in Germany, but also in neighboring countries - Switzerland and Germany. The site exists to this day. Anyone can register on it. After registration, all that he can purchase from the products completely free of charge opens before the user. In addition to shops, people also give food.

Food sharing
Food sharing

Thanks to the site, products can be purchased through a store, bakery or other food outlet. But for this you need to be tested. German food sharing is a well-organized movement. You can find absolutely all food products in food-sharing baskets.

Foodsharing in other countries

The food sharing movement exists in many countries. The difference is that it may be slightly different and have a different name. Cropmobster is the name of the site in America. He is, as it were, an intermediary between farmers and volunteers.

Food sharing
Food sharing

Volunteers collect food and distribute it to those in need or deliver it to charities. There are similar movements in England and France. In France, for example, food sharing exists by law. There, for some time now, large stores are generally prohibited from throwing away unsold food.

Food sharing in many European countries is becoming not only a way to help the poor and save on food. This is also a way of meeting people and communicating live. He cuts down on shopping time and teaches respect for food. Buy only what the person or family really needs.

Food sharing
Food sharing

Traffic in Russia

In Russia, food sharing is not developed due to the legal framework. According to the law, Russian stores are not allowed to give back products that have expired. For this they are punished. But there are still food-sharing groups in St. Petersburg and Moscow.