Why Politics Came About

Why Politics Came About
Why Politics Came About

Since the time of the primitive communal system, the structure of society has become many times more complicated. With the emergence of new social groups, the old management methods became obsolete. For the effective functioning of society as a socio-legal system, it was necessary to have a special regulatory mechanism, which became politics.

Why politics came about
Why politics came about

The emergence of politics is a historically natural process due to objective reasons. A man, living in a small tribe, every day entered into a terrible battle with the world of the wild. Obeying the will of the leader, the distant ancestor of modern man had to solve the primary task - to survive.

When people learned to raise livestock, sow grain and build reliable dwellings, their quality of life reached a fundamentally new level. Now people have ceased to die en masse in the hunt, there was enough food for everyone, and even surpluses appeared. The ruling circles tried not only to increase their wealth, but also to consolidate the right to use them. The desire to seize material wealth is one of the first prerequisites for the emergence of politics.

Another reason for the complication of the governance structure in the ancient world was the threat of war. Often after the next natural disaster, the tribe lost most of its livestock and crops. To feed themselves, people attacked other tribes. And the threat of ruin prompted the leaders to unite in tribal unions in order to jointly confront the enemies. But when uniting, none of the ancient rulers wanted to lose their own power and privileges, which means it was necessary to accept a number of favorable conditions on which the creation of the union would take place. So the structure of society gradually became more complex, and the leaders began to comprehend the art of negotiation in order to protect the interests of the tribe and convince the allies of their innocence.

The development of politics received a new round with the emergence of the first cities. The term "politics" itself is translated from Greek as polis, ie. city. The strong hand of the leader was no longer enough to organize a stable life in the cities. New social problems arose, the separation of powers was required, since one person could no longer physically control all spheres of society. These and other factors contributed to the emergence of the first laws, the guarantor of which was the head of the city.

The ruler, as a rule, had opponents who wanted to take his place. But if in a primitive tribe a person could become a leader, who challenged the current ruler to a duel and defeated him, then in antiquity such issues were no longer solved by force. It was necessary to rally supporters around himself, convince society of the need for change and take a number of measures to gain power. These conditions stimulated the development of politics.