Bear Grylls: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Bear Grylls: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Bear Grylls: Biography, Career And Personal Life

The name of Bear Grylls is primarily associated with the magnificent show "Survive at any cost". It was Bear who was one of the first on television who began to master this interesting and non-standard format of shooting, telling viewers about the peculiarities of survival in primitive conditions. The biography of Bear Grylls is full of interesting facts.

Survive at any cost
Survive at any cost

Grylls's biography teaches us how to educate our own character and harden willpower. This person is a great example of what you can conquer yourself and even make a passion out of a lifestyle.

Bear Grylls was born in 1974 in Ireland. It's not hard to guess that. It is a pseudonym that means "bear." The boy received the nickname as a child from his sister. It means the strength and perseverance that was inherent in a child.

The boy was born into the family of politician Michael Grills. From early childhood he dreamed of conquering Everest. The father once gave Bear a picture of this mountain and the child firmly decided that he would definitely get to the top of Everest.

In shaping the craving for adventure and travel, it was Edward's father who played a crucial role. He took the boy with him on hikes, went with him to the mountains and even arranged sea voyages.

During his school years, Bear and even received a black belt. Grills never received additional education, completely devoting himself to adventure and wanderings.

First tests

Right after school. There he ended up in special forces. Thanks to this, Bear learns a lot of useful information about survival in the wild, far from civilization. In his programs, he often recalls all the skills he acquired.

Unfortunately, this period brought not only positive memories and a lot of useful knowledge, but also. In 1996, the canopy of the parachute with which Bear had landed broke. This led to a rapid fall from a great height and Grills suffered a serious injury - a fractured spine. Three vertebrae were seriously damaged. After this unpleasant incident, I had to leave the service. However, as a result of this, a new period begins in the life of Grills.

First achievements and victories

In 1998, two years after receiving a dangerous injury, Bear fully recovers and immediately goes to the conquest of Everest. The idea was crowned with success and that was able to do it. This fact was entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2003 Bear Grylls.

In 2005. In 2007 - over the invincible Himalayas.

Another interesting case is also known. In 2005, Grills hosts a hot air balloon dinner at a high altitude. The balloon went up so high that an oxygen mask had to be used.

All the exploits of Ber Grylls attracted special attention in professional circles and could not go unnoticed. … Thanks to this project, Grills gains worldwide fame.

Bear was not only involved in commercial projects. From the moment of the first ascent to the present day, Grills is active. He donates the collected money to child support funds.

Personal life

Bera Grills is married. His. Has three children. These are the sons of Huckleberry, Jesse and Marmaduke.

The family lives happily. The wife is calm about the fact that her famous husband has an uncontrollable thirst for adventure and has chosen a relatively dangerous job for himself.

Grylls himself also temporarily leaves his family without much pleasure and is always very bored. He spoke about this many times in an interview.


Bear Grylls is a very interesting person. Once he received an invitation to participate in a new show from Discovery, he began to work actively in this direction and made a great contribution to the development of this direction. The program "Survive at any cost" has long been perceived as a kind of standard for such programs and received widespread fame and popularity. Bear does not stop there. A huge number of programs of this kind have already been filmed. In addition, Grills has its own line of clothing and accessories for outdoor activities.