Signs For Every Day. Believe It Or Not?

Signs For Every Day. Believe It Or Not?
Signs For Every Day. Believe It Or Not?

Signs accompany us all our lives. They help us not to make unnecessary mistakes. They also make us think about future events. So what are the signs?

Signs for every day. Believe it or not?
Signs for every day. Believe it or not?

More simply, they are a kind of signs - actions or phenomena that always precede any specific events. Signs appeared as a result of human observation and the ability to identify connections between various events and analyze them. Based on such reasoning, people make small predictions of future events.

It is especially worth noting that many people have their own personal characteristics. Or else the fact that different people interpret well-known signs in their own way.

Signs distinguish between good and bad. Accordingly, good omens warn of good events, and bad omens warn of unpleasant events. Bad omens are most often referred to as superstitions and perceived as inevitable, although the nature of both bad and good omens is the same.


So, for example, good omens include stepping in excrement - they say money, profit. Or when the left palm begins to itch - also to profit, and the right one - to greet someone, that is, to a meeting.

But to sprinkle salt - to a quarrel with someone from relatives or friends.

If a girl hits with an elbow, they say that her sweetheart remembered. And when a person begins to hiccup, they also say that someone remembered his unkind word. To stop the hiccups, you need to name the name of the person who remembered you.

If on the street, a bird has nailed at you - this is definitely for a wedding or a gift!

But if a bird beats against your window, tries to fly into it - this is a very bad omen, they say that this is someone's soul, and that this sign is to the deceased.

In Russia, with swallows and swifts, there is a very well-known sign: swallows fly low over the ground - towards the rain. In all other cases, signs when a swallow flies into a window, a door, into a ventilation shaft, or flies out of a house, are regarded as if it were any other bird. This is probably due to the fact that there is no shortage of these birds in our country and their nests can be seen in every residential building and not only. Although in other countries, swallows are treated differently. In Ireland, this bird is referred to as the devil's kin, believing that it contains three drops of his blood. In Belgium, the swallow is a messenger from the world of the dead, carrying good news from dead friends and relatives. And here, in Russia, this bird always raises the mood and pleases the eye, and it, like a dove, is considered a bird of peace and kindness!

Signs are always exciting and interesting. But to believe in them or not to believe - everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to believe yourself, your heart.