Oleksandra Zelenskaya is the daughter of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The girl studies in an elite school, is engaged in drawing, Thai boxing, vocals, and shoots funny videos.

Oleksandra Zelenskaya is the daughter of the current head of Ukraine. The girl has the same interests as her peers. She loves to dance to the songs of Oleg Vinnik, shoot funny videos.

Alexandra has a famous family. Her mother, born in 1978, had the surname Kiyashko. The parent is an architect by education, she graduated from the Technical University in Krivoy Rog with honors. The father is the president of Ukraine, he is the same age as his wife. The husband was born on January 25, 1978, and she was born on February 8 of the same year. Elena Vladimirovna and Vladimir Alexandrovich have two children. Alexandra Zelenskaya is the eldest daughter. She was born in mid-June 2004.
Alexandra has a younger brother, Kirill, who was born in January 2013. The godfather of Sasha is the husband of Elena Kravets - Sergey Kravets.
The girl's maternal grandfather, Vladimir Kiyashko, works in the Servant of the People party as an assistant to a deputy. He is a candidate of technical sciences, writes a work in which he raises the problem of cleaning industrial waste from the Ukrainian territory.

Since Alexandra comes from an acting family, at the age of 10 she starred in the film, playing the daughter of her dad. It was the motion picture "8 new dates", where the girl plays Sasha. When Alexandra was 12 years old, she participated in a show, one of the jury members of which was her eminent father. It's “Make a Comedian Laugh. Children". Here the girl won a cash prize.
Alexandra has an Instagram account. Here the girl posted her photographs.
But recently she stopped doing it. Her father, Vladimir Zelensky, does not take children to official events, rarely exposes pictures of the family for everyone to see. Perhaps that is why the girl stopped posting her photos on Instagram. But, as is typical for children of her age, Sasha learns, sometimes mischievous. Recently, a video appeared on the Internet where a girl, along with her classmates, dances to the song of Oleg Vinnik.
Those interested can find videos of Alexandra Zelenskaya in the Chinese social network Tiktok. Here the girl publishes funny videos in which she parodies, dances, sings, sometimes participates in these improvisations with her younger brother.
Present time

Now Aleksandra Zelenskaya is 15 years old. When she had her birthday, her mother and father congratulated her on her fifteenth birthday on social networks. They wrote that they love their child very much, that she is the best girl.
The president's daughter is studying in one of the elite schools in Kiev. She is engaged in vocals, draws beautifully, goes to these specialized classes. Alexandra also loves tennis, she is engaged in Thai boxing, but wants to become a fashion designer.

The daughter of her godfather, Masha Kravets, wanted to become a model. She successfully performs on various catwalks, participates in photo shoots. Perhaps, a good tandem will subsequently develop - Alexandra Zelenskaya will create modern costumes for models such as Masha Kravets, and her friend will put on these outfits and demonstrate them in public.