Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov: Biography, Career, Activities

Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov: Biography, Career, Activities
Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov: Biography, Career, Activities

Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov is an honored Russian figure who at various times held high government posts, a candidate of economic sciences.

Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov: biography, career, activities
Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov: biography, career, activities

Family and study

Mikhail Fradkov is from the Kuibyshev region. Was born in 1950. His father, a geologist, led a research expedition in connection with the construction of a railway in this area. The mother worked in a kindergarten.

Mikhail received his secondary education in the capital's school # 170.

After that, Fradkov brilliantly graduated from Moscow University with a degree in mechanical engineering. In parallel with his studies, he studied in special courses in English. According to unofficial information, even then his cooperation with the KGB began.

After completing his studies, Fradkov was assigned immediately abroad, to Indian New Delhi, where he worked for three years as an engineer-translator at the USSR Embassy.

Carier start

Mikhail Efimovich continued his career in the metallurgical industry, in a short period of time, starting in 1975, having made a career from a senior engineer to the head of the economic service of the Tyazhprominvest association.

Three years later, after graduating from the Academy of Foreign Trade, he received a second diploma. Mikhail Efimovich was instructed to deal with issues of government supplies.

Political activity

In the 90s, Mikhail Efimovich headed the Ministry for Foreign Economy and Trade. At this time, the privatization of large Soviet enterprises, including in the oil industry, took place.

In 2000, Fradkov provided support for the country's economic security.

For the next three years, Mikhail Efimovich headed the tax police service. During this time, he managed to solve the problem of identifying and prosecuting those who maliciously evaded taxes.

Head of the government

In 2004, Fradkova was replaced as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kasyanov. The main achievements of Mikhail Fradkov's team are considered: administrative reform, a program of affordable housing for Russian citizens, transformations in the field of healthcare and education. About 15% of Russian residents were able to obtain a mortgage for housing at this time. But many bills proposed by Fradkov's government did not enjoy popularity among the population, and after three years he resigned.

For the next nine years, Fradkov headed the country's foreign intelligence service.

Currently, Mikhail Efimovich is working in the field of strategic studies of the country.

For many years Fradkov represented Russia in many international organizations. He is fluent in English and Spanish.

Merit. A family

The Motherland highly appreciated the merits of Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov. The senior official has received many government awards. He was awarded the military rank of colonel in the reserve and the civil rank of state adviser to Russia.

Mikhail Fradkov has two sons. Spouse Elena Olegovna is a marketing specialist.

Fradkov made a significant contribution to the development of the country and today continues his activities for the good of the Motherland.