Andrey Yuryevich Molchanov is a versatile personality, entrepreneur, a person who has achieved tremendous success in the construction business, a Russian politician and statesman.

Andrey Molchanov was born on September 24, 1971 in Leningrad. In many ways, the formation of personality was influenced by the fact that Andrei Molchanov was brought up by his stepfather. Mother divorced her father and remarried. The young man took the surname Molchanov when he received his first passport (before that there was Morozov). The young man's stepfather, Yuri Molchanov, worked at the Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin. In the period from 2003 to 2012, he was the vice-governor of the northern capital, and immediately after the end of his term of office he became the head of VTB Bank. Therefore, we can safely say that the influence and authority of the surname provided Andrei Molchanov with a good start in life. At the very beginning of his journey, Andrei Yuryevich Molchanov understood that a good education is the key to success. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University in 1993. Already in 1998, the young man had a second diploma from the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.
Purposeful Molchanov decided not to stop there and in 2001 he defended his candidate's thesis, and in 2003 he became a doctor of economic sciences. Among other things, Andrei Molchanov was awarded many awards and honorary titles, among which one can distinguish the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, as well as the title of Honorary Builder of Russia. In many interviews, the businessman himself emphasizes that the family was, is and will be the main value in his life! However, in addition to some photos from events, Andrei Yuryevich's personal life is hidden from prying eyes.
Elizaveta Molchanova, wife, faithful friend and companion, gave birth to her wife six children and the main goal of her life, like her husband, sees a worthy upbringing of the young generation!
While still a student, the career and entrepreneurial activity of Andrei Molchanov went uphill. He started with a banal sale of things, but very soon, together with his university friends, the businessman began to carry out various privatization operations. At one of the lectures at the university, the teacher tried to inspire the students with the idea that the future lies behind the development activity and that it is this industry that can become the basis for the growth of the country's economy.
This is what prompted Molchanov to start developing a construction business. In the year of graduation from the alma mater, the aspiring businessman left the investment check fund (including due to some disagreements with fellow students) and founded a personal construction company, Revival of St. Petersburg. At the same time, Molchanov launches the production of building materials, buys a cement plant, as well as Stroydetal, which produces reinforced concrete products. In 1994, JSC Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya was opened, which subsequently led to the creation of LSR Group, which today is not only successfully engaged in real estate construction and development, but also has factories for the production of building materials, which allows you to monitor the quality at every stage of construction. According to the information provided on the official website of the company, the portfolio of development projects of net sellable area (commercial and residential real estate) is 8,416 thousand square meters. m. One of the most significant projects of the LSR Group today is the Hermitage Moscow Museum Center, which, according to the project of the Canadian Hani Rashid, is being built in the capital.
Political activity
For some time, Andrei Molchanov paid attention to political activities. This desire appeared in the businessman back in 1994, when he twice ran for the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, but, unfortunately, both times without success. In 2007, his attempts were crowned with success and Molchanov took the post of Assistant Minister of Health and Social Development. In 2008, a businessman was, and became a representative of the executive branch of his region. In 2011, Andrei Yuryevich became the head of the committee dealing with economic policy, but soon decided to return completely to business and focus exclusively on construction.
In addition to a successful construction business, a political career and an impeccable family, Andrey Molchanov is engaged in charity work and helps orphans, is fond of art, participates in the Pioneer Readings, and with special love and trepidation relates to family and paternal traditions.