What Is Stozhary

What Is Stozhary
What Is Stozhary

Stozhary is the Old Russian name for the star cluster you know as the Pleiades. The largest and brightest seven stars can be seen with the naked eye, they form a small "bucket". The Pleiades are also called "Seven Sisters" or "Volosozhary". There is another major phenomenon in the world that bears the name Stozhary - this is the Kiev Actors Film Festival.

What is Stozhary
What is Stozhary

Star cluster.

Armed with binoculars, you will see not only the Seven Sisters, but also dozens of twinkling stars that form the Pleiades. If you have the opportunity to look through a telescope, you can distinguish about five hundred stars in this star cluster. Stozhary is located quite close by cosmic standards (410 light years), the approximate age of the cluster is 100 million years.

All fairly bright constellations that were clearly visible have taken their place in many cultures. The mythological sisters of the Pleiades from Ancient Greece have cosmic roots. The Vikings compared Stozhary to a mother hen-hen and chickens.

The ancient Aztecs based the calendar on the passage of the Earth relative to the Pleiades. The year began on the day the priests noticed the constellation on the eastern horizon. The New Zealand Maori also counted the calendar time, they called Stozhary Mataariki. Japan named Stozhary after "Subaru" - turtles (remember the famous car brand!).

The Pleiades also served another more mundane and practical purpose - they were used to test visual acuity. The man said how much

He sees stars in a cluster, and doctors drew conclusions about the health of his eyes.

Modern languages define the Pleiades as a set or collection of something or someone. This analogy originated from the French literary movement La Pléiade.

Stozhary Film Festival.

Since 1995, an international acting film festival called Stozhary has been held in Kiev. It is understood that stars from all over the world will come there. Five festivals have already been held. They were attended by filmmakers from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Italy, Germany, USA and other countries. The Stozhary Film Festival helps directors from the CIS countries and Europe to acquaint viewers with their works.