Kruglova Veronika Petrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Kruglova Veronika Petrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Kruglova Veronika Petrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

At one time, the Soviet pop singer Veronika Kruglova performed successfully at all prestigious venues in the country. Today she lives in a foreign country.

Veronica Kruglova
Veronica Kruglova

A distant start

Once upon a time the program "Hello, we are looking for talents" was regularly shown on television. Veronika Petrovna Kruglova was born much earlier, on February 23, 1940, in an ordinary family. Parents lived in the famous city of Stalingrad. Childhood years passed away from their homes. The war began, and the inhabitants of the besieged city were evacuated to the Urals. A child from an early age watched how people live in difficult conditions, saving every crumb of bread. After the end of the war, the family moved to Saratov.

At school, Veronica studied well. She actively participated in public life and amateur performances. From an early age, the girl showed vocal abilities and ear for music. In high school, Kruglova seriously studied in the drama studio of the local Theater of the Young Spectator. She dreamed of an acting career. There were grounds for such projects - Veronica had a unique voice with a wide range. With practically no special education, she was hired by the local philharmonic society.

On the professional stage

At that time, a talented conversational artist, entertainer Vilen Kirillovsky worked at the Philharmonic. In addition, he had a textured appearance and made an indelible impression on the young singer. Love broke out naturally. Soon, the husband and wife began to perform as a duet. Their work enjoyed unconditional success with the audience. They toured a lot and made good money. But all good things come to an end, and the marriage fell apart. Veronica was going through the divorce hard, but she did not lose her sanity.

Tour fate brought Kruglova to Leningrad. Almost immediately she was invited as a soloist to the famous ensemble of Pavel Rudakov. It was in the city on the Neva that the singer received a prestigious award for participating in a creative competition. Two years later, Kruglova joined Oleg Lundstrem's jazz orchestra. Then she was invited to sing on television in the program "Blue Light". And since 1967, the performer has been listed in the Moscow Philharmonic. On the stage, the singer has always been successful. Spectators in all corners of the country greeted her with delight.

Essays on personal life

You can talk about the singer's personal life for a long time and in bright colors. In the biography of Veronica Kruglova, it is noted that she was married five times. This achievement was not included in the Guinness Book of Records, but the achieved result is impressive. It is interesting to note that Joseph Kobzon and Vadim Mulerman are among the legal spouses. In a marriage with Mulerman, a daughter was born. In 1991, they moved overseas to the United States.

Today, the life of the once popular singer is well established. She lives with another husband. Her age no longer allows her to perform with a full-fledged program, but sometimes she is invited to a restaurant to perform an old Russian romance.
