Koryagin Sergey Sergeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Koryagin Sergey Sergeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Koryagin Sergey Sergeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Information technologies have opened up ample opportunities for modern people to realize their talents and abilities. The activities of Sergei Koryagin are a clear confirmation of this.

Sergey Koryagin
Sergey Koryagin


The homeland of Sergei Sergeevich Koryagin is the city of Gagarin. Russian historians know this settlement as Gzhatsk. The child was born on August 1, 1966 in an ordinary family. At an early age, he did not stand out among his peers. The boy grew up agile and sociable. I studied well at school. He was fond of sports. He actively participated in public life and amateur performances. I always found a common language with classmates. I was interested in how his friends live and what they dream about.

Koryagin's biography could have developed according to the standard scheme. In those years, young people were fond of electronics and cybernetics. Sergei was also interested in this area of scientific and technological progress. It is not surprising that he decided to pursue higher education in this field of activity. After school, the future filmmaker entered the famous Institute of Electronic Technology, which was located in Moscow. He successfully completed his studies and even worked in his specialty for some time.

The path to directing

Sergei developed a passion for filming films during his student years. After the industry of the Soviet Union began to stagnate, engineer Koryagin began looking for a place to apply his forces and engage in creativity. Together with close friends, he took up filming. The young people already had ideas. The technical means for the job became available. All that remained was to start and implement a suitable project. The suitable option was chosen quickly.

In 1991 Koryagin presented his first short film "Summer Residents" not just anywhere, but at an international festival in Germany. The work was appreciated and awarded a prestigious prize. This was a serious and real claim for further success. In 1995, the next film received a special award from the Film Academy in New York. Then Sergei tried his hand at acting. The idiot played very convincingly in the film "Ivan the Fool". Koryagin's professional career developed successfully.

Essays on personal life

In cinemas and on the television screen, there is a fierce struggle for the viewer. Willingly or unwillingly, Koryagin and his partners have to take part in this process. In 2012, the broadcast of the simple and naive comedy "Deffchonki" began on television. Only after a while it became clear that Sergei Koryagin had created a masterpiece. Almost everyone likes a movie about love. And in this case, the director chose a win-win theme. The series ran for six seasons in a row.

The personal life of a cult director develops like in a comedy series. He is currently married twice. The husband and wife are raising two children. From his first marriage, Sergei also has two descendants. It is not yet clear whether they will continue their father's creative line.