Some Facts About Seville Cathedral

Some Facts About Seville Cathedral
Some Facts About Seville Cathedral

The pride of the Spanish city of Seville, its symbol is the Cathedral of Santa Maria de la Sede - the largest Gothic temple in the world. Its construction began in 1401 on the site of the former Great Mosque of Caliph Abu Yakub, which remained after the expulsion of the Moors from Spain. But the size of the Catholic cathedral did not surpass the Arab religious building.

Sobor Sevilii
Sobor Sevilii

The Seville City Council began building the cathedral in 1401. For this, they began to dismantle the remains of the mosque. The gigantic dimensions of the Arab structure prompted the creation of a grandiose cathedral that could never be surpassed.

The cathedral was built for over 100 years. During this time, something happened to him that often happened in the medieval era - a mixture of architectural styles: Romanesque, Gothic and Muslim. The 56-meter ceiling is supported by 40 powerful columns. Light enters through 93 tall stained glass windows. The wide central nave is divided by the main chapel, fenced off on three sides by a wrought-iron grating. The chapel contains the altar iconostasis - the most grandiose in Spain. Behind the main chapel is the royal chapel, which was built in 1575. There are the tombs of the Spanish kings, including Alfonso X the Wise and Peter I the Cruel.

There is also a human-sized statue of the Royal Madonna, the patroness of Seville. The figure was carved from cedar in the 13th century. In the beginning, her hair was made of golden threads, and she wore a golden crown on her head. There was a mechanism inside, and the statue turned its head. The believers did not take their eyes off her and fell down on their faces. Later, the golden hair was changed to silk threads, the crown disappeared without a trace, and the mechanism deteriorated. But attention to the Royal Madonna has not diminished in the least. She is still revered and believed in her ability to patronize the city.

The main treasure of the sacristy is a silver tabernacle of the 16th century - a three-meter high ark, decorated with sculptures and ornaments. Next to the main sacristy, on the wall, hangs a 16-meter canvas by Mateo Perez de Alesio, on which Saint Christopher ferries the little Christ across the river. Nearby is the tomb of the great traveler - Christopher Columbus.

In 1987, the Seville Cathedral was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
