Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Africa: Some Facts From The History Of Construction

Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Africa: Some Facts From The History Of Construction
Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Africa: Some Facts From The History Of Construction

Algeria, the second largest state in Africa, was a French colony from 1830 to 1962. The state was called French Algeria. The influence of the French affected everything: the language, the way of life of the Algerians, the appearance of buildings. This manifested itself, in particular, in the appearance of the Catholic Cathedral of the Holy African Mother of God, which was founded in Algeria, the capital of the state with the same name, in 1855.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Africa: some facts from the history of construction
Cathedral of Our Lady of Africa: some facts from the history of construction

The missionaries really wanted to spiritually bind the capital of Algeria and the French port city of Marseille lying across the sea, in which the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady the Protector was being erected at an elevation of 150 meters above sea level. The temple was supposed to look towards Algeria.

In 1855, the French decided to build a Catholic cathedral on the Mediterranean coast of Algeria, on a rock at the same height above sea level. Both temples were assigned the role of connecting spiritual centers. Newspapers wrote about this, clergymen spoke in their sermons. In 1858, work began on a high cliff in Algeria. It was necessary to cut down the plateau on which the foundation would be erected.

The French architect Jean Augene Fromajot faced a difficult task - to give the architectural appearance of the Catholic cathedral an Arabian touch. The architect decided to build an ordinary basilica with a base in the shape of a Latin cross, raise a round dome with a cross over it, and build two bell towers in front of the main entrance, which would personify minarets.

At the consecration of the laying of the first stone was attended by the French bishop and the Algerian Monsigner Pavi. The latter said many good words, in which he mentioned that in Africa they will now pray for both Christians and Muslims, and the Mother of God will hear these prayers. These words became the division of the cathedral and were engraved above the altar.

The construction took 17 years. I had to overcome many difficulties with the delivery of the required materials and labor. The cathedral in Marseille was completed in 1863, and the Algerian temple in 1872. In 1930, an organ appeared in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Africa. It was previously played by the famous French composer and organist Camille Saint-Saens, who died in Algeria in 1921. His remains were later transported and buried in France.