Hand-made exhibitions are gaining popularity and are held in many major cities. On them, craftsmen can present their products and earn money from their sometimes very expensive hobby. However, in order for buyers to go to you, you need to organize everything correctly and be able to behave at the exhibition.

Step 1
First, think about what your place will look like. Most likely, you will be provided with a table and a chair, and then you will need to figure out on your own how to decorate these items. Usually, craftswomen cover the not very presentable surface of the table with a cloth. If you decide to do the same, choose a discreet solid color fabric so that it emphasizes the beauty of your products, and does not merge with them. If you have a display stand, take it with you. Try to make your table original and different from others, because you need it to attract attention.
Step 2
Customers are much more likely to go to a stylish, tidy, and polite salesperson. Therefore, think over in the evening what you will wear and what hairstyle you will do. It will be great if you take any of your products as an accessory. It is often difficult for the buyer to understand how the thing lying on the table will look like, but when he sees it on the model, he wants the same thing for himself.
Step 3
Don't be nervous and don't try to predict what customers will buy more willingly. Of course, there are some seasonal preferences: in December, it is better to buy mittens, and in the spring - rings and earrings. But if at the last exhibition they were more willing to take wire pendants from you, this does not mean that it will be so this time as well. Therefore, cook those products that you like yourself.
Step 4
You shouldn't go to an exhibition thinking that you need to sell as much as possible - the effect will be just the opposite. On the contrary, tune in to the fact that you have come to the holiday - to chat with your fellow craftswomen, show everyone your handicrafts, exchange experiences, listen to music and just have a good time. And if you also manage to sell your products - just great!
Step 5
The main thing for the seller is to be polite and friendly. Customers vary, and unique handicrafts are sometimes still equated with children's crafts. Therefore, do not be surprised that you may be asked why it costs so much, and in which circle you study. Your products will still wait for their owners.
Step 6
The exhibition usually lasts all day. Therefore, it would be nice to have a good night's sleep the day before, and take a snack with you. The mood of a well-fed and rested person is noticeably better than that of a hungry and sleepy one, which means that customers will be drawn to you.