Where Does Inspiration Come From?

Where Does Inspiration Come From?
Where Does Inspiration Come From?

Inspiration is an important and integral part of the life of not only a creative person, but also the average person in the street. Without him, it would be difficult to occupy yourself even with what you love.


Often, inspiration is considered heavenly manna, something that falls on your head by accident. It cannot be called, only wait. Society is accustomed to ascribing such a state to people who are associated with creative activity. Probably because they are the ones who talk about him most often. When talking about their masterpieces, they often use the word "inspiration."

However, even an ordinary employee of Company N, not distinguished by a craving for art, can experience moral uplift. And at such moments he is ready to move mountains. He will direct his desire to throw out energy to work, and everything will start to work out for him, even if he does not quite understand how it happens.

To get your share of inspiration, you need to have an understanding of only two of its components - and intention. The knowledge that a person accumulates during his life does not remain all the time in the chain of his conscious processes. Otherwise, it would be difficult to clearly formulate thoughts in the midst of an endless stream of information. Knowledge is hidden deep in memory cells and is stored at the subconscious level. When intention comes into play, the necessary information floats to the surface, and the creator begins to act, sometimes without realizing the reason.

… It will not turn into coins in the palm of a beggar, but into an inexhaustible source of gold.