What Is Known About The Movie "Jurassic Park - 4"

What Is Known About The Movie "Jurassic Park - 4"
What Is Known About The Movie "Jurassic Park - 4"

In 1993, Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park was released on wide screens. The film won several Academy Awards and won the love of many viewers. Years later, a sequel was released, which was also marked with the most honorable award in cinema. In total, three parts were filmed, but recently there is information that Universal Pictures plans to release a fourth film about dinosaurs.

What is known about the movie "Jurassic Park - 4"
What is known about the movie "Jurassic Park - 4"

The fourth scene of the dinosaur movie should be more exciting and interesting than the previous ones. This can be argued, since filming technologies have advanced significantly over the years.

Spectators interested in the ancient species of living creatures will again have to plunge into the mysterious world of prehistoric animals - dinosaurs, which will be recreated on the screens. Colin Trevorro, an Irish specialist, has been appointed director of Jurassic Park 4. Laura Dern, Sam Neal, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough and others are expected to star in the film.

The premiere of the film "Jurassic Park - 4" is expected by many fans of this genre. The very news of the release of the sequel to Spielberg's famous films was to the liking of all those who watched all the pictures of this interesting movie.

The well-known company Universal Pictures previously made an announcement that Part 4 will be at the box office on June 13, 2014. As you know, the film project is already in the process of filming. Only the date of the premiere was postponed.

The producers did not disclose the budget of the film, but it can be argued that it is one of the most prestigious genres of cinema such as science fiction, action and adventure.
