Isabella Yurieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Isabella Yurieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Isabella Yurieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

In the history of the Russian stage, you can find many performers that only specialists remember. Much is known about the work of Isabella Yuryeva. The fact is that many of the songs and romances that she performed were recorded on records.

Isabella Yurieva
Isabella Yurieva

A distant start

The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by many events of a historical scale. War, revolution, famine and other cataclysms are described in detail in the works of researchers and memoirists. It was in those troubled times that the famous singer of songs and romances Isabella Danilovna Yurieva was born. The child was born on September 7, 1902 in a large family. Parents at that time lived in the legendary city of Rostov-on-Don. Parents were directly related to the local theater. The father was considered a specialist in theatrical props. In particular, he sewed and felted hats for performances. Mother worked as a make-up artist.


The girl was in a special environment from an early age. They had famous actors and actresses in their house. It is important to note that there was an old grand piano in the apartment, on which my mother played music and the children learned to play. According to family legend, at the moment Bella was born, a bass string broke in the instrument. After a short period of time, the family realized that this was a sign from above. From the age of three, the girl demonstrated unique vocal abilities and perfect pitch. The father and mother were proud of their daughter's talents, but they had to think about a serious profession that would always help to have a piece of bread in the house.

The biography of the famous singer could have developed quite differently if she went to study as a nurse. By coincidence, Isabella could not get a medical education. Instead, her mother took her to an audition with a violinist she knew who played professionally in a symphony orchestra. After a short preparation and rehearsals, the punchy musician organized an audition concert for the girl in the city garden. Some critics note that it was from this moment that Isabella Yurieva's successful creative career began.


On the road to glory

At the beginning of the last century, the competition on the stage was no less intense than at the current time. To get into the stage get-together, you need to demonstrate your potential and seriousness of intentions. When the girl turned seventeen, her mother took her to Petrograd. Here, in the famous conservatory, the young singer was carefully listened to by the members of the competent commission. And they made a completely unexpected verdict - there is no need for the girl to study, she has a natural voice. That is so, but Isabella began to take practical lessons from a pianist and composer named Taskin.

After a while, the singer performed on the stage of the famous cinema "Colosseum" under the stage name Isabella Yurieva. So it seemed to her that it would be more attractive and harmonious. She performed several Russian folk songs and gypsy romances. It is interesting to note that outwardly Isabella looked like a classic Russian beauty. The singer was born blonde and blue-eyed. And when she began to sing the spicy gypsy tunes, the audience had a cognitive sensation. As they say today, many men were “blown away”. Delight, tears of affection and admiration, almost always accompanied her concerts.


After a successful debut, the singer is invited to perform on the stage of the Moscow Hermitage Theater. The meeting with the audience was sold out. Then serious work began. Isabella really wanted to meet her fellow countrymen. The impresario skillfully organized a tour in his native Rostov-on-Don. The townspeople greeted the creativity of the rising star with a sea of flowers and endless applause. By this time, Bella realized that she needed a loyal, skillful and talented leader. In 1925 she married Joseph Arkadiev. The husband not only acted as an administrator, but also wrote lyrics for his beloved.

The vicissitudes of fate

It is important to note that the husband made a worthy contribution to the formation of the stage image of Isabella Yurieva. From under his pen, poems were embroidered for the songs "Look Affectionately", "Your Letters", "Spring Song" and many others. After the paperwork was completed, the husband and wife left for Paris, where they stayed for almost the whole of 1926. Needless to say, the Parisians greeted the Russian singer with enthusiasm. After staying in "Europe", the creative couple returned to their homeland. And almost immediately, Isabella gave birth to a child. But evil fate prepared a black surprise for her - a year and a half later, the boy died of a cold.


At the end of the 30s, the first recording of songs performed by Isabella Yurieva took place. Then the war began, and as a truly Russian person, the singer could not remain in "her hut on the edge." She regularly performed in hospitals, traveled with concert brigades to the front-line territory. The war ended victoriously, and the outstanding singer continued, as they say, to squeeze obliging officials and Cerberus from culture. Gypsy songs were under the strictest ban. They forgot to invite Isabella to concerts. In 1965, a farewell concert of the "Russian gypsy" took place. She fell silent, but not forever.

And only in 1992, those who loved her songs remembered about her. The singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. In 1996, on the square of stars in the capital, the personalized star of Isabella Yurieva was opened. In 1999, the singer was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Yes, she deserved these honors without a doubt. Music critics and vocal lovers have the opportunity to freely record and distribute the singer's unique voice. You can freely talk about her personal life, tours, relationships with colleagues. The singer has lived a long and interesting life. Isabella Yurieva died in January 2000.