Among all the divine services of the Orthodox Church, the all-night vigil stands out separately. This is a service that is usually performed on the eve of great holidays and Sundays.

The All-Night Vigil includes the services of Vespers, Matins and the First Hour. In modern times, the all-night vigil begins in churches at four, five or six in the evening, depending on the time zone of the city. Worship takes place on Saturdays, as well as on the eve of the feasts of the Theotokos, saints or days dedicated to the angelic hosts. In the history of the Russian state, there were cases when an all-night vigil was celebrated in gratitude to God for getting rid of various disasters, preventing the seizure of lands by conquerors or after significant victories in hostilities.
The All-Night Vigil is particularly solemn. In modern times, this service lasts an average of two hours. But in the history of the Christian Church in the first centuries, this service was longer. It began late in the evening and ended in the morning. Hence the name - the all-night vigil. In modern times, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the all-night vigil begins at about 11 o'clock in the evening, and immediately after it is followed by the liturgy. The service in the church for this holiday ends already in the morning. It is a godly tradition that echoes the ancient practice of worship.
There are a number of characteristic features in the All-Night Vigil service. Thus, many prayers are sung in chorus (as opposed to the usual daily services). For example, the first kathisma “Blessed is the husband”, “God grant”. During Vespers, bread, vegetable oil, wine and wheat can be consecrated at the All-Night Vigil. In ancient times, these foods were consumed by monks after Vespers before Matins.
At the matins of the all-night vigil, readings of the Gospel passages are added, a great doxology is sung, in which a person expresses his gratitude to God for the day he has lived and asks for help in abstaining from sins.
During the All-night Vigil service, the anointing of believers with blessed oil (oil) also takes place. Otherwise, this process is called anointing with oil.
Often, after the all-night vigil service in churches, the sacrament of confession is performed for those who wish to partake of the holy mysteries of Christ the next morning on the holiday itself.