What You Need For A Church Wedding

What You Need For A Church Wedding
What You Need For A Church Wedding

A church wedding is a sacred ceremony during which a loving person transfers himself, his thoughts and desires into the hands of his beloved. Having got married, the husband and wife take on the obligation to preserve the family and receive a church blessing for a happy family life and the birth of children.

What you need for a church wedding
What you need for a church wedding

The organization of the wedding should be approached with all seriousness. First of all, decide on what day and in what temple you would like to get married. Today, in most churches there is a preliminary record, thanks to which you can even choose the time of the ceremony. The presence of the newlyweds during the appointment is not necessary; any of your relatives can do this. If there is no pre-registration in the church of your choice, then you need to issue a receipt for the wedding directly on the wedding day. In this case, the exact time of the sacrament cannot be named; the priest will be able to conduct it only after other matters. But on the other hand, you can agree to hold the ceremony with a certain priest, if there is a need for this. Prepare for the wedding is necessary not only in organizational terms, but primarily in the spiritual. Before performing the sacrament, the bride and groom must observe a three-day fast, attend evening services, confession and communion. The priest will tell you which prayers should be read on these days. Also, during fasting, it is necessary to abstain not only from animal products - meat, eggs, dairy products - but also from marriage. On the wedding day, the newlyweds must come to the temple at the beginning of the service, before that you can not eat or drink anything, smoke and do marital debt. In the church, the bride and groom confess, pray and then receive communion. After that, there is time to change into wedding clothes, while it is better for the bride to give preference to comfortable shoes, otherwise several hours of standing in high heels can turn into real torture. Wedding rings must be given to your wedding priest in advance so that he can consecrate them. During the ceremony, the newlyweds must wear crosses, and the bride must wear a headdress. It can be a veil, if you are getting married on the day of an official wedding, or a scarf or scarf. During the ceremony, the presence of relatives and friends is allowed, but not all churches are allowed to film the wedding process or take photographs.