In the depths of the oceans and seas, many interesting secrets are hidden. This is confirmed by the not so long ago news about a merchant ship found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. However, scientists were not puzzled by him, but by a completely different discovery made in the summer of 2011.

All the news feeds in the world were full of headlines like "Baltic Anomaly" or "Baltic UFO". The reason for the revival of the press was a mysterious object found at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia. It was strikingly reminiscent of the Star Wars Millennium Falcon.
Mysterious object
Ufologists were the first to react. With one voice, they announced that they had finally managed to find a UFO. This fully confirms the existence of foreign civilizations. That's just to say for sure what was found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea and what is the purpose of the mysterious object has not yet been possible.
A team of researchers from Sweden led by Lindbergh and Asberg did not give an exact answer. All photographs provided an opportunity to determine the purpose of the find. This gave rise to many incredible versions. Among them is the hypothesis of a flying saucer found and hidden at the bottom, created for Hitler.

This version is supported by the fact that there was a permit for such construction. It is not known only how all the work ended.
True, there is a version that an antediluvian coastal battery rests in the Baltic. This is confirmed by both the form and the computer-made model.
Expedition: facts and hopes
In addition to its unusual shape, the strange object left traces of braking. And again the find put the researchers at a standstill: the ship allegedly tried to stop at 300 meters. This is the length of the braking distance.
Lindbergh reported that he had never seen anything like this in his career as an underwater archaeologist. The 60-meter object had not only a regular geometric shape, but also even depressions along the entire perimeter. The behavior of the technique was also striking.

Attempts to photograph were thwarted many times. The cameras sometimes refused to work, then between the scuba divers and the ship, radio communication suddenly disappeared, ripples appeared in the pictures. The compass needle behaved abnormally, all the collected materials were suddenly exposed to high temperatures. Incomprehensible phenomena immediately ceased, as soon as the researchers moved away from the anomaly. The work of all devices immediately returned to normal.
Research continues
However, it was possible to obtain material suitable for processing. Analyzes showed that basalt served as the basis for the production, and traces of thermal effects were found on the sample. But this is all the information that we managed to get.
A professor at Stockholm University hypothesized that an incomprehensible object fell under the glacier, being flooded into the sea. This explains both the volcanic rock and the traces of high temperatures. And the strange object acquired its shape due to friction against the ground. Then it's not a UFO at all.

The Swedish team was still able to take pretty clear pictures. It's just that it's impossible to tell from them what kind of object it is, and to determine how it ended up under water. But this did not upset the researchers: they are planning a new expedition. She will allow you to find all the answers.