Who Is Jesus Christ

Who Is Jesus Christ
Who Is Jesus Christ

For two thousand years, the image of Jesus Christ has attracted everyone's attention. Both the adherents of Christianity and its opponents appeal to the person of Jesus. Some call him the Son of God, others believe that Jesus was one of the teachers and spiritual mentors of mankind. There are also those who consider him a fictional character. Who was Christ really?

Who is Jesus Christ
Who is Jesus Christ

God in human form

For those who profess the Christian faith, there is only one answer to the question of the nature of Christ. In the canonical Gospels included in the New Testament, Jesus appears before the reader as the Son of God and God himself, who found his embodiment in a human body.

The mission of Jesus Christ was the salvation of lost humanity.

The biblical Jesus did not create a single book in his short life, did not occupy a high position in society and did not stand at the head of popular movements. But his sermons, which had the form of figurative parables and teachings, attracted many listeners to him, and some of them became devoted disciples of Christ. Christians attribute this magical effect of Christ's words to his divine origin and the inner strength given to him from above.

All who saw and heard Jesus recognized his greatness, combined with wisdom and simplicity. It was amazing how a simple carpenter from Nazareth, born an earthly woman, could contain such deep wisdom. Meanwhile, not only the words, but also the deeds of Jesus became for many a proof of his divine nature. He knew how to pacify bad weather, walk on water, heal the sick and raise the dead with just the power of his word.

Jesus Christ as Preacher and Teacher of Humanity

Skeptics, however, question many of the facts in the Bible. To a materialistic person, the miracles performed by Christ seem to be either sleight of hand and hypnosis, or the result of embellishing reality, to which the authors of the Gospels, willingly or unwillingly, resorted to trying to present the preacher and teacher as the true Savior of mankind.

Not being able to look beyond the edge of reality, a person can only believe or not believe in the divine origin of Jesus Christ.

Serious researchers, painstakingly studying the evidence and documents of that era, are divided over whether Christ existed as a historical person. The most radical scientists cite ample evidence that Jesus really existed, and was not the invention of a group of people who created in their own imaginations an extremely vivid image of the long-awaited Savior.

Some admit the fact of the life of Christ, but deny his divine nature, considering him just one of the most talented preachers of those religious truths that were already enshrined in the Old Testament. Jesus allegedly only developed biblical ideas, giving them a figurative form and filling them with new content, corresponding to his time. Be that as it may, today rarely anyone denies the fact that the person of Jesus Christ influenced the course of world history and the current spiritual state of mankind.