Mikhail Fadeev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Mikhail Fadeev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Mikhail Fadeev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Mikhail Fadeev is a Russian marketer, an expert in doing business and promoting goods on the market. Founder of the companies "Agency of Marina Rozhkova" and "Torshinsky Trust".

Mikhail Fadeev: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Mikhail Fadeev: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Childhood and education

On February 26, 1977, a boy was born in the Fadeyev family, whom his parents gave the name Mikhail. The family at the time of the birth of their son lived in Moscow. Already in adolescence, Mikhail began to take an interest in natural sciences and technology. He prepared to enter the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and was enrolled in the Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research. After graduating from university in 2000, Mikhail Fadeev became an expert in the field of systems, devices and methods for remote sensing of the Earth from space.


Beginning of work

When Mikhail was still in his 4th year at the institute, he got a job at the Paragon Software Group. The founders of the company were students who studied at the same university. The company, of which Mikhail became an employee, was at that time one of the first companies in the world to develop software for mobile operating systems. In Russia, the market of mobile gadgets at that time was just beginning its development and distribution among the mass consumer.

Mikhail Fadeev got a job in the company as a customer support manager. The staff of the young company at that time consisted of several students who worked as programmers. They rented a small office on the outskirts of the town of Dolgoprudny, which is located in the Moscow region. The Paragon Software Group produced server disaster recovery products and software for smartphones. The organization has developed a handwriting recognition system, business applications, dictionaries, games and electronic encyclopedias.

Mikhail has worked for Paragon Software Group for seven years. At the time of leaving the firm, he was already serving as director of business development, heading the marketing and e-sales departments. The number of employees of the company has increased to 200 people. Offices were located in Moscow, Germany, Japan, Poland and Switzerland. The company has collaborated with world famous manufacturers of mobile gadgets. The corporation was one of the three largest developers of system software in Russia. In 2005, the company received the Handango Champion Awards in the "Developer of the Year" category.


Continuing a career

In 2005, Mikhail began working as Sales Director at Spirit. He worked in this company for a year and a half.

Towards the end of 2006, Mikhail Fadeev headed the office of the communicator manufacturer E-TEN Information Systems. This corporation was founded on the island of Taiwan in 1985. Success came to the firm after its employees developed the first Chinese-language input system for computers. The software, which was developed by E-TEN Information Systems, remains the international communication standard in China today. The company began cooperation with Russia in the winter of 2003. Until 2005, its presence in the Russian market of mobile gadgets was not noticeable. In mid-2006, when Mikhail Fadeev got a job at the firm, the company began to carry out massive sales of mobile devices. Many market players associate Mikhail's name with the company's huge success in Russia.

In September 2008, Acer acquired E-TEN Information Systems. After this event, Mikhail decided to leave the company. He began studying satellite navigation. Mikhail Fadeev takes part in projects for the distribution of receivers, navigators and navigation software. He is an independent satellite navigation expert and analyst. On June 2, 2011, a conference was held in Moscow on the possibilities of supporting a mobile client on various operating systems. Mikhail Fadeev spoke at the event as an independent expert. He told the story of the emergence and development of the mobile platform market, and also gave an assessment of its current state. Mikhail Fadeev argued that the Google Android system will soon occupy almost half of the Russian market, leaving behind the rest of the mobile platforms.

In 2008 Mikhail, together with Marina Rozhkova, founded the marketing company "Agency of Marina Rozhkova". In 2016, Marina Rozhkova submitted an application for resignation. Without waiting for the consent of the other shareholders, she announced the sale of her stake. After Marina left the firm, the agency was renamed into the Torshinsky Trust group of companies. Marketing specialist Elena Troshina became the co-owner of the company. She was involved in editing and posting materials on the official website. In 2018, Elena left the group of companies, but the company continued to exist and develop. Currently, the company is engaged in the introduction of new products to the market, their positioning and promotion.

Starting in 2019, Mikhail Fadeev began to actively blog on his personal website and on social networks. He creates texts and shoots videos about marketing, product promotion, running and building a business.


Personal life

The ex-wife of Mikhail Fadeev's name is Marina Rozhkova. They broke up in 2016. Mikhail has a daughter named Alexandra.
