Andrey Fadeev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Andrey Fadeev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Andrey Fadeev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Andrei Mikhailovich Fadeev is a former well-known governor of Saratov and an influential official in the Transcaucasian region. He did a lot for Russia and made a feasible contribution to the development of the country.

Andrey Fadeev: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Andrey Fadeev: biography, creativity, career, personal life


Fadeev was born in 1789 in the small town of Yamburg, which was located in the Petersburg province.

From childhood, he helped his father, worked for him as an accountant and secretary, devoted a lot of time to reading and self-education. At the age of seventeen, young Andrei Mikhailovich was already a titular adviser.

In the winter of 1813, Fadeev married and married the young Princess Elena Dolgoruka. In the period from 1818 to 1834, he worked as the manager of the office of foreign settlers in the city of Yekaterinoslav.

Then he was transferred to Odessa as a member of the committee of foreign settlers of the southern region of Russia.


Andrei Mikhailovich for his work was awarded the Orders of St. Vladimir, 4th degree and St. Anna II, as well as other medals and commemorative signs.

After leaving Odessa, Fadeev served in Astrakhan and Saratov. He was the main trustee of nomadic peoples and the manager of the chamber of state property.

Governor of Saratov

In 1841, Fadeev was appointed governor of the city of Saratov.

A month after taking office, Andrei Mikhailovich received an order to abolish the schismatic monasteries on Irgiz and to transform them into monasteries of the same faith.


Separate unrest brought the new governor "potato riots". Also, a lot of his time was taken up by trips around the province. Fadeev constantly communicated with his subordinates and personally observed the state of affairs. He visited and examined district hospitals, prison, city places, various educational institutions, police units and courts.

Andrei Mikhailovich took care of his work. Under his administration, schools were built in the villages, a post office was organized, Khvorinov's personal printing house was opened, and a water supply system with a pool on the large Sennaya Square began to work.

Fadeev actively fought against local corruption, which is why he made himself a lot of ill-wishers. Enemies harmed him in every possible way and wrote slander and denunciations against the governor to Petersburg. The result of their complaints was endless audits from the higher authorities.


In 1845, unable to withstand constant checks and psychological pressure, Andrei Mikhailovich left the post of governor.

After that, Fadeev received an offer from Prince Vorontsov to take office as an honorary member of the council of the Main Directorate of the Transcaucasian Territory.

Personal life

Fadeev lived with Princess Dolgoruka until the end of his days. Elena Pavlovna was an educated and well-read person, spoke several languages, played music and drew well. She was an excellent hostess and loved to receive guests.


After Dolgoruka, dozens of large intertwined volumes with drawings on botany, archeology and numismatics remained. The princess's elegant herbariums were highly appreciated by many scientists and aroused their sincere admiration. Now they are stored in the archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

An orphanage was opened in Saratov under the supervision of Elena Pavlovna.

The couple had a happy and strong family in which four children were born. The Fadeevs were very fond of their children, and after the death of their eldest daughter, they took their grandchildren to live with them.

Fadeev died in August 1867 and was buried next to his wife in Tiflis at the Church of the Ascension of the Savior.
