What Masterpieces Adorn The Offices Of The White House

What Masterpieces Adorn The Offices Of The White House
What Masterpieces Adorn The Offices Of The White House

The White House is not only the residence of the American president and a symbol of America, but also a real treasure house, hiding hundreds of works of art within its walls. Not only officials, but also artists and sculptors dream of getting into the White House.

What masterpieces adorn the offices of the White House
What masterpieces adorn the offices of the White House

The residence of American presidents is called the White House and is located in Washington. The residence was opened in 1800. Since then, the White House has reached the size of 7.2 hectares and consists of 132 rooms, located on 6 floors.

George Washington - the only American President who never lived in the White House.

Treasury of the White House

Every American president who lived here with his family during his reign brought something of his own to the interior of the residence. The most famous reformer of the design and decoration of the offices and rooms of the White House was the wife of John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline. It was she who made sure that outstanding examples of medieval furniture were delivered here. With her patronage, American museums have donated about 150 of the best originals of old paintings to the White House.

Also from John F. Kennedy was an oak writing table - a gift from Queen Victoria of England. The table is located in the president's office and is recognized as a historical relic. In one of the offices of the residence is the dressing table of President Roosevelt's wife, Eleanor.

The State Dining Room houses Martha Washington's sugar bowl as well as Abigail Adams' silver coffee pot. There, in the form of an engraving on a mantelpiece, President Adams' message to his wife is immortalized. This message is now in the nature of a prayer.

The famous Porcelain Room displays a collection of glass and porcelain items. The walls of the bronze room are decorated with portraits of the country's first ladies. The interior of the Oval Office is subject to the most frequent changes associated with the coming to power of new presidents.

Obama's addiction

President Bush once replaced sculpture with paintings of Texas nature. The current ruler Obama replaced them with paintings by Frederick Hassam and Norman Rockwell. So, now in the Oval Office hang pictures Flag Day and "Working on the Statue of Liberty." Obama also replaced the bust of W. Churchill in the Oval Office with a bust of Martin Luther King.

During the reign of Clinton in the White House was the sculpture "the Thinker" Rodin's famous.

The Obama couple also rented 7 paintings by contemporary artists from Asia, Europe and Africa from the Washington Museum. Hanging in one of the offices of the White House is the painting "Nice", painted in the 50s of the last century by the Russian painter Nicolas de Staul. The White House Acquisition Fund auctioned Jacob Lawrence's The Builders for its apartments. In one of the offices there are 2 bronze sculptures by master Edgar Degas.
