The UNESCO organization is engaged in the protection of monuments around the world. Currently, the World Heritage List consists of 754 sites located around the world. One of the treasures is the Moscow Kremlin, which in 2013 may be excluded from the list of UNESCO masterpieces.

By February 1, 2013, UNESCO asks to provide full information on the state of the Kremlin and Red Square. It is also necessary to attach information on following the plans for the preservation of the object and the execution of all orders. The organization states that it is very concerned about the state and maintenance of the monument, for which the Russian authorities are responsible.
Three structures are involved in the Kremlin management process: Moscow Museums, Kremlin Museums and FSO; there is no single organizational body responsible for the monument. UNESCO claims that since 2007 it has been requesting reports and plans for the development of the Kremlin and surrounding areas. During this time, the international organization was provided with only one document (in 2011), but that one did not contain answers to the questions posed.
At the moment, three construction projects are being implemented in the Kremlin, none of which has been approved by UNESCO. A global reconstruction of the 14th building is taking place, a technical building is being erected in Taininsky Garden, and two pavilions are being erected on the sides of the Kutafya tower. According to Natalia Samover (coordinator of "Arkhnadzor"), this construction violates the laws and conventions for the preservation of cultural heritage.
However, Viktor Khrekov, spokesman for the Presidential Property Management Department, said that all construction work had been agreed with the Russian authorities. And it is these authorities that must be held accountable to an international organization. Vladimir Tsvetnov (Director of the Department for Supervision of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation) also had his say. It turns out that building 14 is not an architectural monument. The construction of the pavilions near the tower will be checked without fail and, possibly, stopped.
It should be clarified that UNESCO requires approval of all planned reconstruction and construction prior to their implementation. Unwillingness to follow the rules of an international organization may lead to the imposition of certain sanctions on Russia. The toughest of them - the Moscow Kremlin may be excluded from the list of UNESCO masterpieces.