What Is Artistic Culture

What Is Artistic Culture
What Is Artistic Culture

A person's ability to emotionally and sensually perceive reality and to artistic creativity prompted him to express his experiences figuratively, with the help of colors, lines, words, sounds, etc. This contributed to the emergence of artistic culture in a broad sense.

Sculpture of Ancient Rome
Sculpture of Ancient Rome

What is included in the concept

Artistic culture is one of the spheres of social culture. Its essence is the creative display of being (nature, society and its life activity) in artistic images. It has important functions, such as the formation of aesthetic perception and consciousness of people, the transfer of social values, norms, knowledge and experience, and a recreational function (rest and recovery of people).

As a system, it includes:

- art as such (individual and group), works and artistic values;

- organizational infrastructure: institutions that ensure the development, preservation, and dissemination of artistic culture, creative organizations, educational institutions, demonstration sites, etc.;

- the spiritual atmosphere in society - the perception of art, public interest in artistic and creative activities, art, state policy in this area.

The artistic culture includes mass, folk, elite artistic culture; artistic and aesthetic aspects of various activities (political, economic, legal); regional art subcultures; artistic subcultures of youth and professional associations, etc.

It manifests itself not only in art, but also in everyday life and in material production, when a person gives the objects of practical and utilitarian purpose he creates expressiveness and attractiveness, realizing his need for aesthetics and beauty, in creativity. In addition to the material sphere and physical objects, it also concerns the spiritual sphere.

Artistic culture in the narrow sense

The core of artistic culture is professional and everyday art. This includes painting, graphics, sculpture, literature, music, dance, architecture, theater, cinema, circus, arts and crafts, art photography. Within the framework of each of these types of art, works of art are created - paintings, sculptures, books, films, performances, etc. In them, people through images convey their subjective vision of the world.

Art is an important means of understanding a person and the world around him. It promotes the assimilation of the experience of people in society, the perception of collective moral values and attitudes.
